Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 09:17

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: TNT

Turner Network Television (cable TV station)

The News Tribune

Team in Training

Trinidad and Tobago (West Indies)

Tacoma News Tribune

Télévision Numérique Terrestre (France)

Try Not To

Technology and Teaching (various locations)

Through the New Testament (religion)

Time and Talent (various organizations)

Tried and True

Thanks, But No Thanks (idiom)

The New Threat (band)

Treating to New Targets (clinical trial)

The New Territory (album)

Tell No Tales (band)

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (CAS Number 118-96-7; explosive)

Tragedy and Triumph (band)

Trampoline and Tumbling (gymnastics)

Théatre National de Toulouse (French: National Theater of Toulouse)


Troponin T

Till Next Time

Try New Things

Trash and Treasure

Tell No Tales (music album)

Train the Trainer

The Neopets Team (virtual pet site)

Tessuto Non Tessuto (Italian, syntehtic geomembrane)

Tactical Narcotics Team

Top Notch Training (various organizations)

Thursday Night Training (various locations)

Today Not Tomorrow

Twin Texel

Tuesday Night Titans (TV show)

Template Numerical Toolkit (software library)

Tago Ng Tago (Filipino for illegal alien who is in hiding)

Traducción y Nuevas Tecnologías (Spanish: Translation and New Technologies; software)

Thermo Nuclear Technology

Thursday Night Thunder (various events)

Trusted Network Technologies

Terrain Neutre Théatre (French: Neutral Ground Theater)

Transnational Terrorism

Textile Non-Textile

Typographical Number Theory (mathematical theory devised by Douglas Hofstadter)

Teaching New Techniques

Tradeswomen Now and Tomorrow

Text N Talk

Tactical Network Topology (US Special Operations Command and Naval Post Graduate School)

Terror 'n Tinseltown (Motley Crue song)

Total Nightmare Troops (gaming)

Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today (Syracuse, NY)

Trimetallic Nitride Template

Technoboy and Tuneboy (band)

Texas Nitrous Technology

Terror Neged Terror (Terror Against Terror, Jewish terrorist/vigilante group)

Totally Naperville Tweens (Naperville, IL)

Teach North Texas (University of North Texas)

Top Nazarene Talent

The Nameless Team (gaming clan)

Tactical Neutralization Team

Thomas Nationwide Transport, Ltd. (Australia)

Telephone Nursing Telezine (emagazine)

The N00b Trainers (Day of Defeat gaming clan)

Tunnel Neutralization Team

Tillamook Narcotics Team

Tackle, Nose Guard, Tackle (defensive lineup in American football)

Top-Notch Toddlers (Worcester, MA)

Total Network Test

Trinity Nazarene Teens (Trinity Church of the Nazarene Macon, Georgia)

Tactical Network Testbed (US DoD)

The Naire Tunnel

Teaching Newspaper Theology

Tutoring Natrona Teens (Natrona, WY)

Tregor Nitro Team (French motor club)