Today, Thursday، 27 Mar 2025 - 06:12

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SWAT

Special Weapons and Tactics (team)

Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory

Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model)

Samba Web Administration Tool

Students Working Against Tobacco

Soldiers with a Testimony (youth group; various locations)

South West Angels of Terror (roller derby team)

Students Working to Advance Technology

Soccer with Attitude

Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics)

Symbolic, Written, Audio, Technical

Students With A Testimony

Subjective Workload Assessment Technique

Stress Wave Analysis Technique

Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto

Soul Winning and Training (Baptist church)

Solid Waste Assessment Test

Severe Wastewater Analysis Test (coating performance evaluation; Tnemec)

Sexy without Actually Trying (clothing line; Swathearts)

Soldiers with Apostolic Truth

Special Winning Attitude Team

Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology

Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show)

Seattle Washington Autoduel Team

Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Sisters With A Throttle (motorcycle club)

Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development)

South West Alief Texas

Servants with A Testimony

Scientific Wild Ass Guess

Swift Action Team

Specialists With Advanced Tools

Sell What's Available Today

Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas)

Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco)

Soul Winning Attack Team (Fayetteville, GA)

Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance)

Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems)

Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology

Surface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (Maine)

Sick Wild and Twisted (band)

Secure Wire Access Terminal

Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools

surface water assessment team

System Wide Analysis Team

SouthWest Airedale Terriers

Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry)

Staff Without Adequate Training

Southwest Aquatics of Texas

Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment)

Subsea Well Abandonment Tool

Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool

Solid Waste Assessment Team

Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer

Southwest Association of Trackers

Ship What's Available Today

Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming)

Seeds, Weeds, And Trash

Service Weapons Acceptability Test

Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics

Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes

Server, Workstation And Technology Group

Software Wireless Access Tandem

Soul Winning Across Town

Switch Assembly Test

Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment)

Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school)

Scout Water Activity Team

Softball with an Attitude (softball team; Philadelphia, PA)

Saints With A Testimony (LDS church)

Seeking Wisdom and Truth (Christianity)

Special Warfare Assault Team (Call of Duty gaming clan)