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Search result from: STM
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Stamford (Amtrak station code; Stamford, CT)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Seems To Me
Societe de Transport de Montreal
Sosiaali- ja Terveysministeriö (Finnish: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; Helsinki)
Short Term Memory
SPIE (Source Path Isolation Engine) Traceback Manager
Stepping Motor (lenses)
Short Term Medical (insurance)
Science, Technology and Medicine (various meanings)
Software Transactional Memory
Scientific, Technical and Medical (International Association of)
Streptomycin (antibiotic drug)
Seize the Moment
Steel Travel Mug
School of Theology and Ministry (Seattle University, WA and Boston College, MA)
Synchronous Transport Module
Strut-And-Tie Model (tool for analysis/design of concrete members)
School of Technology Management (various schools)
Synchronous Transfer Mode
Signature Tagged Mutagenesis
Short Term Mission
Security and Trust Management
Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers
Scanning Tunnel Microscope
State Transition Matrix
Store Multiple (IBM)
St. Thomas More College (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada)
School of Tropical Medicine
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Master of Sacred Theology
Sediment Transport Model
Sympto-Thermal Method (natural family planning)
Superior Tribunal Militar (Brazil)
Soft Tissue Massage
Strokes Per Minute
Science Team Meeting (various organizations)
Science Teaching Methods
Seashore Trolley Museum (Kennebunkport, Maine, USA)
Strategic Technology Management
System Trace Module (computing)
Services Techniques Municipaux (French: Municipal Technical Services)
Soft Tissue Manipulation
SONET Multiplexer
Savor the Moment
Saint Thomas Moore (school)
System Test Mode
Software Test Management
Signaling Traffic Management
Sports Turf Management
Small Text Message (pager message)
Said Too Much
Security Threat Mitigation (Cisco)
Shoot Meristemless
Structural/Thermal Model
Staff Time Measurement
Signal Termination Module
Supremo Tribunal Militar (Portugal)
Specific Transmission Module (railway)
Secure Text Messaging (communication)
Sekolah Teknik Menengah
Société de Transports de Montréal (French)
Synchronous Transmission Mode
Santarem, Para, Brazil (Airport Code)
Satellite Town Meeting (US Department of Education)
Short Term Missionary
SGS-Thompson Microelectronics
Shade Tree Mechanics (vehicles)
SONET Transmission Manager
Strategic Transport Model
Stormwater Treatment Measure
Snicker to Myself
Service de Santé au Travail Multisectoriel (Luxembourg)
Significant Technical Milestone
Springfield Telescope Makers (Springfield, Vermont astronomy club)
Scream Tracker Module (a digital music format)
Single Thread Model
Support Test Manager (NASA)
Stonetalon Mountain (World of Warcraft)
Naval Ship Technical Manual (TMINS)
Shallow Truncate Mode (Cisco)
Stack Tritium Monitor
STEAR Testbed Manipulator
Standard Time Meridian
Stewards Mate
Synthetic Transaction Monitor
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Migración (Spanish, Guatemala)
Scattering Transfer Matrix
Skill Training Material
Space Track Message
Syntax Tree Manager
Sistema de Tratamento de Mensagens (Portuguese: System for Processing of Messages; Brazil)
Syndicat des Transitaires de Marseille (French: Freight Union of Marseilles; Marseilles, France)
Structural Test Module
Subsystem Traffic Manager
Standby Temperature Monitor
Service Test Model/Module
Service Trade Management
Shin Tenchi Muyou (Anime)
Stock Taking Method (France)
Service Triage Manutention (French: Sorting Handling Service)