Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:37

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SPM

South Park Mexican (rapper)

Supply Chain Management

Scanning Probe Microscopy (computer memory)

Scanning Probe Microscope


Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Certificate of Education)

Strokes Per Minute

Selamat Pagi Malaysia (Malay: Good Morning Malaysia)

Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (ISO country code, territory of France off east coast of Canada)

Sales Performance Management (software)

Suspended Particulate Matter

System Power Management

Spectrum Peripheral Module

Statistical Parametric Mapping

Spare Parts Management (various companies)

Software Process Model

Super Paper Mario (Wii game)

Single Point Mooring

Social Performance Management (microfinance)

San Pedro de Macoris (Dominican Republic)

Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (Portuese: Portuguese Mathematical Society) Portuguese Society of Maths)

Software Portfolio Management

Senior Portfolio Manager (various locations)


Mail Clerk (US Navy)

Summary for Policy Makers

Software Project Management

Senior Project Manager

Self-Phase Modulation (Fiber Optics)

Service Performance Measurement (various companies)

Support Manager

Strategic Performance Measurement (organization management)

Syndrome Prémenstruel (French: Premenstrual Syndrome)

Single Phase Motor

System Programming and Maintenance (software)



Sports Massage

Service Parts Management

Software Project Manager (GDSSII)

Special Purpose Machinery

System Performance Monitor (IBM)

Síndrome Premenstrual

Services Planning and Management

Senior Program Manager

State Performance Measure (various locations)

Steps per Minute

Somali Patriotic Movement (political party)

Syndicat de la Presse Magazine (French: Press Syndicate Magazine)

Site Prioritization Model

Single Premium Mode (insurance)

Standard Port Monitor

Sixth Principal Meridian (Kansas)

South Porstmouth (Amtrak station code; South Portsmouth, KY)

Shore Protection Manual

Safety Program Manager

Scratch Pad Memory

Simple Possession of Marijuana (crime; various locations)

Shock Pulse Method (using signals from rotating rolling bearings)

Socialist Party of Macedonia (political group)

Software Process Management

System Program Manager

Super Pursuit Mode (Knight Rider TV Show)

Department of Social and Preventive Medicine (various universities)

Security Policy Model

Sindicato de Periodistas de Madrid (Spanish: Madrid Union of Journalists; Spain)

Small Perturbation Method

Saint Peter-Marian (Massachusetts private school)

Special Projects Manager

Sustainable Project Management

Surface Permanent Magnet (motor)

Software Performance Monitor

Silicon Photomultiplier

Shaded Pole Motor

Specialist Practice Mentor (nursing)

Sherwood Park Mall (Canada)

Sustainability Performance Management (SAP BusinessObjects)

Security Patch Management (Altiris)

Special Purpose Monitoring

Software Programmer's Manual

Sock Puppet Mafia (band)

Services Procurement & Management

Solar Proton Monitor

Secure Policy Manager (Cisco)

Solar Power Module

Software Program Manager

Service Provider Module (Cisco)

Score Per Minute (gaming)

Solution Project Management Ltd. (UK)

Southern Praying Mantis (Chinese martial art)

Smart Product Model

Single Platform Maximo (software)

Security Program Manager

Sulfuric Acid-Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture (aka Sulfuric Peroxide Mixture)

Structure et Propriétés de La Matière (French: Structure and Properties of Matter)

Solid Particulate Matter

Sun Presentation Minimizer (free software)

Sampled Pattern Matching

Scapuloperoneal Myopathy

Self-Propelled Mount

Sijil Penilaian Menengah (Certificate of Secondary Aggregate)

Statistical Packet Multiplexing

Stationary Phase Method

Software Process Measurement

Sulfuric Peroxide Mixture (aka Sulfuric Acid-Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture)

Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine

Split Phase Motor

Standards and Procedures Manual

Ship Program Manager

Squished Penny Museum (Washington, DC)

Spontaneous Method

SLEEP/Performance Model

Stopping Performance Monitor

Spending Per Minute

Standard Process Manual

Speed and Phase Matching

Subscribers Private Meter

Strategic Planning Methodology

Statistical Parametric Matching

Subscriber Policy Manager (Shasta Networks)

Service Processing Modules

Air St Pierre, St Pierre and Miquelon (ICAO code)

Single Point Manager

Ship Propulsion Motor

Sun Pointing Mode

Steam & Electric Plant Manual (TMINS)

Switching and Processing Module (Tachion)

Specialized Processing Module (Telcordia)

Standard Preparation Module

Special Program Material

Switch Performance Monitoring System

Subport Manager

Ship's Project Manager (US Navy)

Shelf Power Module (Ciena)

Signal Path Manager

Semiconductor Packaging Material Company

Seat-back Processor Module

Siderus Packages Manager

Society for the Preservation of Motorcyclists

Sua Propria Manu (written in place of address on personally delivered envelopes)

Storage Partition Manager

Switch Power Module (Telabs)

System Performance Model/Modeling

Super Memoratus (Latin: Mentioned Above; codices and manuscripts)

Static Propagation Mechanism

Service Purchase and Monitoring Group (New Zealand)

Scratch Pad Message

Sum-Power Minimization