Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 14:39

Acronym Finder

Advanced Search

In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: SOAP

Simple Object Access Protocol (XML protocol)


Snakes on A Plane (movie)

Standards of Academic Progress

Strategy on a Page

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan (medical documentation format)

Student Opportunity and Access Program

Seal of Approval Process

Spirit of America Party

Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology

Subject, Occasion, Audience, and Purpose (education)

Stanford Online Accessibility Program (Stanford University; California)

Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program (programming language for the IBM 650 computer in the late 1950's)

Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program

Small Operator Assistance Program

Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (standard program to analyze satellite orbits; MILSATCOM)

Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer

Spectrographic Oil Analysis Program

Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion

Students Organized Against Poverty

Statement of Agreed Pricing (various companies)

Supply Operations Assistance Program

Students Organized Against Prejudice

Society of Aerospace Professionals

Sexual Offender Apprehension Program

Slaughterhouse Operators Association of the Philippines

Student Organization for Animal Protection

Society of Airway Pioneers

Same Opposite Always Positive (factoring sum and difference of two perfect cubes)

Student Organization for Activity Planning (Salisbury State University)

Summary On A Page

Systems/Operations Analysis of Programs

Systems for Oceanic Analysis and Prediction

Supertanker Operational Assessment Project

SIM Over the Air Programming (wireless telecommunications)

Spine, Orthopedic and Pain

Stamp Out Acronym Pronunciation :-)

Subjective Objective Action and Plan of treatment (Chiropractic)