Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:16

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SNAP

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (US Department of Agriculture)

Significant New Alternatives Policy (US EPA Office of Air and Radiation)

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

Subnetwork Access Protocol

Special Needs Assessment Profile (education software)

Supernova / Acceleration Probe (satellite)

Synaptosomal-Associated Protein

Soluble NSF (N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Factor) Attachment Protein


Société pour La Nature et Les Parcs du Canada (French: Society for Nature and Parks in Canada)

Screen Name and Password

Sensory Nerve Action Potential

Software Non-functional Assessment Process

Special Needs Advocate for Parents (various locations)

Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (Chelan County, Washington)

Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (severity index)

SIPR (Secure Internet Protocol Router Network)/NIPR (Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router) Access Point (software)

Society of National Association Publications

School Network for Absenteeism Prevention

Solano, Napa and Partners Library Consortium (California)


Select and Native Programming (US DoD Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System)

Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (Seattle, WA)

Student Nurses' Association of Pennsylvania

Special Needs Adoption Program

Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power

Students for a New American Politics (political action committee)

Spay Neuter Assistance Program, Inc.

SEGA Network Application Package

Shipboard Non-Tactical Automated Data Processing

SABRE Network of Attached Processors (Airlines Computer System)

System and Network Administration Program

Sensor Network Asynchronous Processor

Standard Network Access Protocol

Social Networks At Play (gaming)

Secure Network Access Platform (Microlink)

Shipboard Non-Tactical ADP Program

Spay and Neuter All Pets

Sonic Nap Alert Pattern (pattern for highway rumble strips)

Subscriber, Network, Application, Policy

Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol (Marist College)

Specifications for Non-Heatset Advertising Printing (graphic arts printing standard)

Strategic Networking Assistance Program (US Department of State)

Simplified Nutritional Assistance Program (Texas Department of Human Services)

Selected Nomenclature for Sources of Air Pollution

Safety Net for Abused Persons

Simple Network Automated Provisioning (Cisco)

Senior Naval Aviator Present (US Navy)

Satellite Navigation & Positioning Group (School of Geomatic Engineering, University of New South Wales)

Streamlined Noncompeting Award Procedures (NIH grant review protocol)

Strategic Neighborhood Assistance Program

Steerable Null Antenna Processor

Single-Stage Nitrogen removal using Anammox and Partial nitritation

Stem Cell Network Asia Pacific (est. 2007)

Sell Now Assistance Program

Summer Neuroscience Apprentice Program

Short Notice Annual Practice

Simulator Network Analysis Project

Senior Nutrition Assistance Program

Sarawak National Action Party (Malaysia)

Stanford Network for Accounting and Purchasing

Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program (Florida, USA)

Smoking, Nutrition and Physical Activity (health initiative)

Security Night Assistance Patrol

Shielded Neutron Assay Probe

Significant Non-Compliance Action Program

Soil Nutrients for Agricultural Productivity

Spouse Networking Assistance Program (US State Department)

Student Needs Assistance Program

Small Network Access Package

Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Program

Structural Network Analysis Program

Student Naval Aviation Pilot (US Navy)

Strategic Nuclear Attack Planning (Model)

Simplified Nonstandard Item Acquisition Program

Sensitive New Age Pilot

Simulating New Acquisition Processes

Standard Non-tactical ADP Program

Standards Nomination Approval Process (US DoD)

Small Nuclear Material

Social Networking Application Provider

Stop Navy Acronym Proliferation :-)

Shipboard Numerical Aids Program

Scheduling and Notification of Applicants for Processing (US Department of Homeland Security)

Seatbelts Need A Partner (safety program)

Ships/Shipboard Nontactical Automation Program

Swift Native Accelerated Personalisation (Hewlett-Packard Indigo)

Switched Network Assistance Program

Summary Department of Navy Approved Program

Secure NFC (Near Field Communication) Application (radio communication protocol program; Graz, Austria)

Syndicat National des Alvéolaires et des Polyuréthanes (French: National Union of Alveolar and Polyurethanes; est. 1960)