Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:29

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SN

Saturday Night (various organizations)

Soon (amateur radio)


Snow (METAR precipitation)

Serial Number

Sierra Nevada

Sequence Number

Science News

Sonora (Guatemalan radio station)

Social Networking

Surname (genealogy)

Space Network


Symantec Norton (software)

Screen Name

Seaman (USCG, USN)

Swindon (postcode, United Kingdom)

Sans Nom

Subscriber Number

Sabena (Belgian World Airlines)

Sintagma Nominal (Spanish language term)

Steve Nash (NBA player)

Stock Number

Skilled Nursing

Side Note

Super Nova

Substantia Nigra (neuroanatomy)

Safety Notice (various companies)

Super Nintendo

Suicide Note

Secretary of the Navy

Samyutta Nikaya (Buddhist texts)

Service Number

Standard Number

Screenname (usually AOL)

Stannum (tin)

Staff Nurse

Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac musician)

Satellite Navigation

Signal-Noise (ratio)

Semantic Network

Structural Number (highway engineering)

Sacramento Northern (railroad)

Solar Neutrino

Super Nice

Student Nurse

Service Node

Special Need (adoptions)

Switching Network

Sigma Nu (fraternity)

Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Safety)

Sports Night (TV show)

Server Node

Serum Neutralization



Space Needle (Seattle, Washington)

Super Node

Sûreté Nationale (French: National Security)

Soup Nazi (Seinfeld episode)

Seat Nipple

Surgical Nurse

Shipping Note

Sir Name (LDAP or Directory Servers)

Singing News (southern gospel magazine)

Stiffness Nominal

Steeler Nation (sports website)

Sthene (measure of force)

Shared-Nothing Architecture (distributed computing architecture)

Skilled Nurse

Sem Número (Portuguese: having no number; postal usage)

Soil Nail (construction)

SorceryNet (IRC network)

Shipping Noise

Subjunctive Normal

Separation Number (chromatography)

Subnova (website)

Secundum Naturam (according to nature)

Sending Nation

Slurry Nebulization (spectroscopy)

Strategic Navigation

Sveriges Naturvetareförbund (Nacka, Sweden)

Source Nursery

Shepherd Nick (website)

Saucy Nipples (ARC gaming clan)

Skule Nite (University of Toronto)

Structural Notation

Synchronization Node

Slot Neighbor

Portable Surface Search Radar (US Navy)

Salutami 'Ntonio (Frisbee Ultimate Club di Milano)

Superconducting Normally (conducting)