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Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 21:30
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Search result from: SMR
San Marino
Social Media Release
San Marino (ISO Country code)
Self-Myofascial Release
Small Modular Reactor (nuclear power)
Shingled Magnetic Recording
Specialized Mobile Radio
Standardized Mortality Ratio
Snowdon Mountain Railway (UK)
Sociological Methods and Research (journal)
Service Médical Rendu (French: Medical Record Service)
Serial Mode Register (computer programming)
Southern Mindanao Region (Philippines)
Silvermex Resources LTD
Sites and Monuments Record (UK heritage)
Submucous Resection
Surveillance Médicale Renforcée (French: Increased Medical Surveillance)
Steam Methane Reformer
Spinal Motion Restriction
Surface Movement Radar
Sprint Medley Relay (track and field)
Standard Malaysian Rubber
Social Market Research
Strategic Management of Resources
Standard Metabolic Rate
Student Medical Record
Spanish Mustang Registry
Statutory Management Requirement (UK)
Service Medical Record (US DoD)
Sailor Moon R (anime series)
Service en Milieu Rural (French: Service in Rural Areas)
Standard Mileage Rate (US IRS)
Signal-to-Mask Ratio (MPEG)
Service, Maintenance and Repair (automotive industry)
Sid Meier's Railroads (gaming)
Strongman Run (race)
Stormwater Management Report (various locations)
Santa Monica Review (arts journal; California)
Self-Monitoring Report (various organizations)
Site Material Request
Society for Medicines Research (London, UK)
Sunday Morning Ride (Marin, CA)
Suppressed Mite Reproduction
Skeletal Muscle Relaxant (pharmacology)
So Many Roads (Grateful Dead song)
Switching Mode Rectifier
Stratégie Ministérielle de Réforme (French: Ministerial Reform Strategy)
Safe Money Report
Seattle Mountain Rescue
Software Maintenance and Reengineering
Standardised Morbidity Ratio
State Military Reservation (Camp Pendleton, Virginia)
Rainbow Smelt (FAO fish species code)
Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval
Senior Management Review
Space Merchant Realms (game)
Suspended Microchannel Resonator (microchemistry)
Source, Maintenance & Recoverability
Spherically Mounted Retroreflector (distance measurement)
Semiconductor Mask Representation
Sailor Moon Romance (anime)
Shadow Movie Realm (nAVI movie encoding format)
SuperMoto Racer Magazine
Société de Médecine de La Reproduction (French: Society of Reproductive Medicine)
Stone & Mccarthy Research
Stub Multicast Routing
Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives
School of Medical Rehabilitation (Canada)
South Molton Recycle (UK)
System Modification Request
Standardized Morbidity Rate
Société Musicale de Rambouillet (French: Rambouillet Musical Company)
Shiny Metallic Robe (Everquest game item)
Sex Maturity Rating
Schweitzer Mountain Resort (Sandpoint, ID)
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Special Management Review
Statute Mile Radius
Sahaja Music Records (record label)
Stock Management Report
Signature Measurement Radar
Saint Mary's of Redford (school)
Swedish Medley Relay (track and field)
Surveillance Médicale Règlementaire (French: Monitoring Medical Examination)
Student Management Room (various schools)
Scaled Mortar Range
Senior US Military Representative
Special Money Requisition
Sequential Motion Rate (Articulation, Apraxia, Diadokokinetic Rate)
Surinaamse Motorenrevisie
Supermoto/Supermotard Racing (motorcycle riding/racing style))
Supply Management Reporting
Supportability, Maintainability, and Reparability
Silver Mustang Registry (Pace, FL)
Ship Movement Report
Status Master Record
Société Méditerranéenne de Reconditionnement (French: Mediterranean Society of Reconditioning)
Société de Manutention du Roll on Roll Off (French: Roll on Roll off Handling Society; est. 2001)
Source Maintainability Reparability
Shipboard Management Review
SECNAV (Secretary of the Navy) Monthly Review (meeting)
Special Meals Request (US Army)
Syndromic Mental Retardation
System Manager of Record
Sol-Mur-Revêtement (French: Floor-Wall-Covering; construction company)