Today, Saturday، 28 Dec 2024 - 20:45

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SMP

Statutory Maternity Pay

Scalp Micropigmentation (hair loss)

Survival Multi-Player (video game)

Symmetric Multiprocessing

Significant Market Power (European telecommunications market)

Servico Movel Pessoal (Portuguese: Mobile Personal Service; Brazil)

Senior Medicare Patrol (Projects)

Server Migration Pack (software)

Simultaneous Membership Program

Securities Market Programme (European Central Bank)

Senior Management Professional (certification)

Social Media Portal

Shared-memory MultiProcessor

Symantec Management Platform (software)

Shoreline Master Program (environmental regulations for shoreline management)

Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (French: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Stable Marriage Problem

Shared-Memory Parallelism (computing)

Senior Management Program (various locations)

Special Milk Program

Silan Modified Polymer (chemistry)

Stormwater Management Program (various locations)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Surface Mount Power

Stop Motion Pro (animated film software)

Symmetric Multi-Processor

Schweizer Milchproduzenten (Federation of Swiss Milk Producers)

State Management Plan

Staff Monitored Program (IMF)

Single Marine Program (USMC)

Skim Milk Powder

Shape Memory Polymer

System Modification Program

Sustainability Management Plan (various locations)

Sales Marketing Plan (various companies)

Service Management Platform

Symmetrical Multi-Processing

Sun Microsystems Press (publication partnership)

Specific Ministry Pastor

Shared Memory Multiprocessing (IBM)

System of Moral Philosophy (book; Francis Hutcheson)

Site Management Plan

Sellafield MOX Plant

Serial Management Protocol (SAS)

Student Mobility Program (various locations)

Strategic Management Plan

Statutory Minimum Price (India)

System Marginal Price

Service Médico-Pédagogique (French: School Medical Service; Switzerland)

Support and Maintenance Package (software)

System Monitoring Protocol (software)

State Mitigation Plan (US FEMA)

Senior Managing Partner (job title)

Simple Management Protocol

Student Mentor Program (various schools)

Svensk Maskinprovning AB (Swedish Machinery Testing Institute)

Surface-Mount Package

Symbolic Manipulation Program

Submitochondrial Particles

Standard Medical Practice

Software Management Plan

Selling Manager Pro (Ebay selling tool)

Scalable Multiprocessor

Streamlined Modification Program (foreclosure)

Strategic Marketing Planning

Soluble Microbial Products (anerobic systems, wastewater treatment)

System Management Processor (Hitachi SONET OC-192)

Société Suisse de Management de Projet (French: Swiss Society for Project Management)

Soil Management Plan

Strategic Management Process

Southeast Museum of Photography

Société Militaire Privée (French: Private Military Company)

Safety Management Program

Security Management Plan

Subject Matter Program (California)

St Matthew Passion (J.S. Bach classical piece)

Substantial Market Power

Sustainable Manufacturing Performance (Nike)

Semi Markov Process

Session Management Protocol

Software Maintenance Program

Sheltered Market Program (Portland, OR)

Shawnee Mission Park (Shawnee, KS)

Standby Monitor Present (Cisco)

Sony Magnetic Products (various locations)

Sociedad Mexicana de Psicología (Mexico)

Sex, Money, Power

Stanford Menlo Park (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA)

Salzgitter Mannesmann Précision (steel tube manufacturer; various locations)

Sol-Mur-Plafond (French: Floor, Wall, Ceiling; art house)

Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama (Indonesian junior high school)

Simple Minded People

Sensor Management Protocol

Science Mentorship Programme (Singapore)

Ship Motion Program (NAVSEA)

Subminiature Push-On (connector)

Small and Mobile Production

Substation Modernization Platform (trademark of Cybectec)

Service Management Process

See Me, Please

Smoke More Pot

Switching Module Processor

Standard Maintenance Procedure

Systèmes Midi-Pyrénées (French electronics company)

Société de Mécanique de Précision (French: Precision Mechanics Company; est. 1981)

Self-Maintenance Period

Synchronous Multiprocessing

Sub Motor Pool

Sine Mascula Prole (Latin: Without Male Issue)

Small Molecule Printing

Safety Management Prospectus

System Modernization Plan

System Modernization Program (of SSA)

Simple Multiplexing Protocol

Service Matrix Platform (ADC)

Senior Meeting Planner (job title)

Scheduled Maintenance Plan

Supplemental Medical Plan

Subcontractor Management Plan

Standard Mining Package

Sound Motion Picture Technician (US Navy)

Signal Message Processor

Signed Minimal Path

Simultaneous Macular Perception

School Mathematics Program

SACDIN Message Protocol Module

Scottish Member of Parliament (UK)

Service Mediation Platform

Special Multiple-Peril (insurance policy insuring physical damage and liability losses)

Systems, Methods and Procedures (manufacturing)

Shipowner's Liability (insurance)

Signal Management Point

Single Movable Pulley

Société Moules de Précision (French: Precision Mold Company)

Slow Moving Person/People

SM Entertainment Music Performance

Shipboard Miniaturization/Microfilm Program

Santares Music People, Inc.

Systems Monitoring Panel

System Mechanical Performance

Standard Methods and Procedures

Special Manufacturing Procedure

Subject Matter Proficiency

Summit Media Partners

Sécurité, Maintenance Installation et Protection Incendie (French: Safety, Installation and Maintenance Fire Protection)