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Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 10:30
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Search result from: SMO
Social Media Optimization
Server Management Objects
SQL Management Objects
Santa Monica Municipal Airport
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (Scotland Gaelic college)
Strategic Management Office (various locations)
Site Management Organization
Senior Medical Officer
Service Message Object
SnapManager for Oracle (software)
Sequential Minimal Optimization
Sales and Marketing Organization
Smoothened, Frizzled Family Receptor
Social Marketing Optimization
Soil Moisture
Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming (Dutch)
Santísimo (Spanish)
Social Movement Organization
Serious Mode On
Systems Management Office
Security Management Office
Southern Maryland Oil
SQL Management Object
Sample Management Office
System Management Office (US government agencies)
Support to Military Operations
Standard Mode of Operation
Symptomatic Medication Overuse
Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia
Steunpunt Minderheden Overijssel (Dutch)
Survey and Mapping Office (Hong Kong)
Service Management Organization
Suction Module (oil exploration)
Stepmania Online (gaming)
Singing Men of Ohio (Ohio University)
Second Medical Opinion
Service de Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (French: Department of Control of Work)
Single Market Observatory (EU)
Standing Medical Orders (EMS)
Supramalleolar Orthoses
Surveillance Medical Officer
Strategic Management and Organization
Shiny Metal Object
Shoujo Manga Outline
Support for Military Operations
Système Modulaire Optionnel (French: Optional Modular System; health insurance)
Surplus Move Order
Simdesigner Motion
Sheet Metal Optimizer (software)
SMC Gold Ltd (stock symbol)
System Management Overview (OSI)
Sales Momentum (model)
State Machine Object
Sewing Machine Operator
Senior Military Officer (DPKO)
Singapore Maths Olympiad (Singapore)
Samoa Observatory (Cape Matatula, American Samoa)
Stores Management Overlay
Strategic Mobility Office (USMC term: MEF level and above mobility planners)
Seattle Metal Online
Supply Management Officer
Supreme Maintenance Organization
Software Measurement Ontology
Senior Military Observer
Small Mobile Office
Single Molecule Optics
Special Mission Optional Modification
Strong Motion Observation
Stationing Management Office
Seattle Mandolin Orchestra
System and Market Operator
Saipan Mayor's Office
Special Management Office
Site Maintenance Organization
Study Management Organization
Surplus Material Order (US DoD)
Sponsoring Member Organization
Supply Management Office
Stable Master Oscillator
Sociedad Mexicana de Oftamologia
Stratégie et Management des Organisations (French: Strategy and Organization Management)
Supervising Medical Officer