Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:05

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SMB

Server Message Block (protocol)

Small and Medium Business

Seven Mile Beach (Cayman Islands)

Super Mario Brothers (game)

Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin (national museums in Berlin)

San Miguel Beer

Små og Mellomstore Bedrifter

Super Monkey Ball (video game)

Session Message Block (Samba)

Social Media Breakfast (networking)

Super Meat Boy (video game)

Surface Marker Buoy

Spirit, Mind and Body (various organizations)

System Management Bus

Steve Miller Band

Simulated Moving Bed

Safety Monitoring Board (US NIH)

Society for Mathematical Biology

Sage Master Builder (Sage Software)

Salaire Mensuel de Base (French: Monthly Base Salary)

Shared Mailbox

Spartan Marching Band (Michigan State University)

Surface Mass Balance

Southwest Missouri Bank

Soil Microbial Biomass

Shared Memory Buffer (VME boards)

Shanghai Meteorological Bureau (Shanghai, China)

Single-Mask Bumping

Screaming Mechanical Brain (band)

Sad Mackem Bastard

Shin-Marunouchi Building (Japan)

San Miguel, Bulacan (Philippines)

State Marketing Board

Secret Men's Business

South Mountain Batholith

School Management Board

Secretary's Morning Brief (US FEMA)

Supersonic Molecular Beam

System-Managed Buffering (Virtual Storage Access Method)

Société Multinationale de Bitumes (French: Bitumen Multinational Corporation; Côte d'Ivoire)

Société Médicale Balint (French: Balint Medical Society; est. 1966)

Sunderland Message Board

Société Médicale de Biothérapie (French: Medical Society of Biotherapy)

Sarap Mag-Beer (Tagalog: San Miguel Beer)

Sarap Maging Barkada (Tagalog: It's fun to have friends)

Shannon-McMillan-Breiman Theorem

Self Mating Beam (aluminum construction)

Standoff Minefield Breacher

Systems Management Board

Surface Mounted Board

Sub-Miniature B Connector

Saint-Médard Basket (French: Saint Médard Basketball; est. 1999)

San Miguel Brewery Corp.

Separate Mechanized Brigade

Sinhalaye Mahasammata Bhumiputra Party (Sri Lanka)

Space Medicine Branch (Aerospace Medical Association)

Société Méridionale du Bâtiment (French: Southern Building Company)

Société Monégasque de Bureautique (French: Monaco Office Company)

Société Métallurgique de Bretagne (French: Metallurgical Company of Britain; est. 1926)

Services et Métiers du Bois (French: Wood and Trades Services)

Service Maintenance en Betonnière (French: Cement Mixer Maintenance Service)

Special Men's Business (Australia)