Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 22:29

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SLE

Sara Lee Corporation (stock symbol)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (aka Disseminated Lupus Erythematosus, DLE)

Sierra Leone (ISO Country code)

Supportive Learning Environment (various organizations)

Student Learning Entitlement

Solid-Liquid Extraction

Special Limited Edition (sales)

Seminar für Länd-Liche Entwicklung (German: Department of Rural Development)

Student Learning Expectation

Shore Line East

Slit Lamp Examination (ophthalmology)

Software Language and Engineering (International Conference)

Senior Leader Engagement (US Army)

Saint Louis Encephalitis (brain-swelling viral infection)

Space Link Extension (CCSDS mechanism for providing distributed access to space link services)

Sober Living Environment (recovery movement)

Single Loss Expectancy

Supported Leading Edge (kites)

Societas Linguistica Europaea (European Association for Linguistics)

Sharp Laboratories of Europe, Ltd. (UK)

Single Line Edit (software feature)

Seletar Expressway (Singapore)

Solid Liquid Equilibrium

Structured Liberal Education

St. Lucie Estuary (Florida)

Stressful Life Event (psychiatry)

St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada)

South Luzon Expressway (Philippines)

Screen List Editing

Service Logement Etudiant (French: Student Accommodation Service)

Separate Legal Entity

Supervivencia Libre de Enfermedad (Spanish: Disease Free Survival)

Service Life Extension

Southeastern Livestock Exposition

Slackware Linux Essentials

Service Level Expectation

Sharp Laboratories of Europe Limited

Specialised Laboratory Equipment (UK)

Société Lorraine d'Entomologie (French: Lorraine Entomological Society)

Safe Language Extensions

Small Library Edition

Strength Level Earthquake

Shelf Life Extender

Société Loisirs Equipement (French: Recreation Equipment Company)

SUSE (Gesellschaft für Software-und Systementwicklung) Linux Enterprise (computing)

Synchronous Lateral Excitation

SACLANT Liaison Element

Silent Link Establishment

Sports Leisure Entertainment Underwriters

Strictly Linear Estimation