Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:30

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SJF

St. Johns Forest (Jacksonville, FL)

Schweizer Jugend Forscht (German)

Social Justice Fund

Sustainable Jobs Fund

Saint John Fisher (Catholic high school)

Single Jewish Female

Skopje Jazz Festival

San Jacinto Fault

Strait of Juan de Fuca

Slovenska Jazdecka Federacia

Sir John Fitzgerald

Stichting Jeugdhulpverlening Flevoland (Norwegian)

Sophia Junior Festival (Sophia University; Japan)

Sayings of the Jewish Fathers

Slovenske Jadrove Forum

Social Justice Front

Society of Junior Fellows

Saint Jane Frances (Maryland school)

Savannah Jewish Federation (Savannah, GA, USA)

Save Jamaica Fund (UK)

Svenska Jerusalemsföreningen (Swedish)

Sanjifen Apparatus Co Ltd (China)

Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation

Sesam: Jahresabschlusskurs Fibu (German)

Surya's Jongeren Forum

Solid Jet Fuels

Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (Cambodia)

Springfield Jewish Foundation