Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 07:44

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SI

Sports Illustrated

System Information

System Information (Norton Utilities)

Statutory Instrument (UK Legislation term)

Slovenia (international code)



Service Information

School of Information (university)


Square Inch(es)

Smithsonian Institution

Supplemental Instruction

Signal Integrity

Spark Ignition

Shift In

Slightly Included (second lowest quality of diamond)

Serious Injury

International System of Units (metric system; more commonly seen as ISU)

South Island (New Zealand)

Staten Island

Sistema Informativo

Structural Integrity

Systèmes d'Information

Standardization (Flight) Instructor

System International

Site Investigation

System Integrator

Systems Integration


Sensory Integration

Sexual Intercourse

System Interface

Sports Interactive (game)

Still Image


Small Intestine

Seriously Ill

Self Inflicted

Scientific Investigation

Sistema de Informação

Systems Integrator


Singapore Idol (Singapore TV show)

Study Island (software)

Strategic Initiative (management)

Self-Insert (fiction)

Software Item

Simply Irresistible (song)

Speaker Independent

Self-Incompatibility (botany)

Science and Industry

Sacroiliac Joint

Shadow Image

Siena, Toscana (Italian province)

Swine Influenza

Site Inspection

Systems Intelligence (psychological theory)

Système International d'Unités (international system of units based on the Meter, Kilogram, Second, Ampere, Kelvin, Candela, and Mole)


Soroptimist International

Sub Inspector

Simple Interest

Synergos Institute (San Diego, CA)

Softice (debugger)

Service Index

Swarm Intelligence

Sudden Impact (movie)

Source Index

Suicidal Ideation

Scientific Instrument

Sensitive Item (algorithm)


Service Indicator (SS7 SCCP)

Situationist International (governing body of political dissidents circa 1968)

Specialty Item

SPARC International, Inc.

Service Integrator

Semiconductor International

Shared Interest (New York, NY)

Side Information

Special Instruction

Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft (Zurich, Switzerland)

Shrouded Isles (gaming, Dark Age of Camelot add-on)

Silicon Image, Inc

Specific Impulse (measure of efficiency of rocket engines)

Surface Impoundment

Special Intelligence

Special Inspection

Simplified Issue (life insurance)

Saturation Index

Signal Interference

Science Instrument (Hubble Telescope)

Soil Investigation

Similarity Index

Strategic Investor

Speech Impairment


Salt Institute

Solution Implementation

Summons Issued

Sarcasm Intended

Systematic Innovation

Sailing Instruction

Security Inspector

Solving International

Strange Interlude (Eugene O'Neill book)

Sensitivity Information

Self-Insertion (fan fiction)

Shipping Instruction

Siilinjärvi (Finnish)

Sexually Inappropriate

Secondary Injection

Solar Influences

Scalable Infrastructure

Skill Identifier (US Army)

Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency

Settlement Instruction

Surveillance and Intelligence

Self Isolation

Safeguards Information

Safe Intake

Standardization and Interoperability

Spiritual Intervention (religious doctrine)

Surveillance Index

Straight-In Approach

Spray Injection

Sergeant Instructor

Saint Ignatius College Preparatory (San Francisco, California)

Smoothness Index

Society for India (Cornell University)

Summary Investigation

Scintillation Index

Supporting Installation

Samahang Ilokano (Filipino college organization)

Solar Inertial

Supplementary Insulation

Sponsor Identification

Sport Injected (Honda)

Surveyor Intern

Simple Interference

Sector Iridectomy (partial removal of the iris of the eye)

Septuagint Institute (Trinity Western University, Canada)

Selective Interchange

Semiconductor Ignition

Safety/Site Inspection

Shadow Instruction (computer instruction set)

Sharma Industries

Somatosensory Receiving Area (in parietal lobe of cortex)

Spokane International Railroad Company

Signaling Intelligence


Normalized Subthreshold Swing

Sippy International

Slave Illuminator

Systems Industries, Incorporated

Societatis Iesu, Latin for Society of Jesus, Jesuits (religious order)

Secretaría Indigenista (Spanish: Indigenous Secertariat)