Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:22

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SGA

Student Government Association

System Global Area (Oracle)

Secrétaire Général Adjoint (French: Deputy Secretary General)

Small for Gestational Age

Stargate Atlantis (TV show)

Substantial Gainful Activity (US SSA)

State Government Affairs (various organizations)

Supraglottic Airway (anesthesia)

Sustainable Gardening Australia

Shared Global Area

Super Good Advice (gaming)

Serious Games Association

Swedish Game Awards (game development competition)

Systematic Genetic Analysis

Secrétariat Général pour l'Administration (French: General Secretariat for Administration)

Subjective Global Assessment

Songwriters Guild of America

Solicitation for Grant Applications

State General Agent (American Income Life)

Schweizerische gesellschaft für Automatik

Southern Governors' Association

Sigint Geospatial Analyst

Seed Growers Association (various locations)

Slavic Gospel Association (Loves Park, IL; est. 1934)

Smart Growth America

Second Generation Antipsychotic

Sales of Goods Act (various locations)

Sub-Global Assessment (network)

Smart Growth Alliance (various locations)

Sheila Greco Associates, LLC (Amsterdam, NY)

Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits

Small Group Activity

Study Group Australia (various schools)

Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique (French: Algebraic Geometry Seminar)

same-gender attraction

Sea Grant Association (Sea Grant Program)

Small Grant Application (various organizations)

Standard Genetic Algorithm

Society of Golf Appraisers

Standard Gaussian Approximation

Strategic Grant Agreement

Swedish Greenkeepers Association

Stadium Give Away

Strain Gauge Analysis (engineering)

Standard Galactic Alphabet (Commander Keen game)

Stargate Alliance (gaming clans, Freelancer)

Scottsdale Gallery Association

Semester Grade Average

Sales, General and Administration (cost of doing business; also seen as SG&A)

Section on Great Apes (Primate Specialist Group; IUCN/SSC)

Soul Glow Activatur (band)

Sysops Guild Association

Standards of Grade Authorization

Samco Global Arms

Schulgemeinschaftausschuß (German parent, teacher and student school committee)

Sierpinski Gasket Antenna

Set Group Address

Social Gender Associate

Small Government Act of 2001 (Massachusetts)

Steepest Gradient Algorithm

Soil Gas Analysis

Stack Gas Analyzer

Solderable Grid Array