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Search result from: SFP
Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Small Form-factor Pluggable (optical transceiver module)
Secretaría de La Función Pública (Spanish: Secretariat for Civil Service; México)
Société Française de Physique (French Physics Society; Paris)
School Food Punishment (band)
St. Francis Prep (New York)
Science Fair Project
San Francisco Performances (San Francisco, CA)
Société Française de Pédiatrie (French: French Society of Pediatrics)
Société Française de Psychologie (French: French Society of Psychology)
Single Farm Payment (UK)
Société Française de Photographie
Solicitation for Proposal
Svenska Folkpartiet (Finnish: Swedish People's Party)
System File Protection
Specialty Fertilizer Products (Leawood, KS)
Sentence Final Particle (linguistics)
State Fair Park (various locations)
Software for Professionals
Small Farm Program
Security Force Personnel (nuclear safety)
Service for Peace
Service Focal Point
Supplementary Financing Program (US Treasury Department)
Spent Fuel Pool
Shop Floor Programming (software)
Strange Fruit Project (band)
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Supplementary Feeding Programme (WHO)
Short Film Project (various organizations)
Strong Families Program
Serious Foul Play (FIFA laws, soccer)
School Food Program (various locations)
Short Field Performance
Super Fine Pitch (Sony)
Sustainable Funding Project (National Council for Voluntary Organizations)
Social Finance Programme (International Labor Organization)
Steel Fence Post (various companies)
Social Forestry Project (various locations)
Social Forestry Programme (various locations)
Saint Lucia Freedom Party
Société Française de Pharmacologie (French Society of Pharmacology)
Société Française de Pathologie (French: French Society of Pathology)
Security Function Policy
Société Française de Phytopathologie (French: French Society of Phytopathology)
State Family Program (various locations)
Southern Financial Partners (Southern Development Bancorporation)
specific pathogen free
Subsecretario de la Función Pública (Spanish: Assistant Secretary for Civil Service; Mexico)
Strategic Facilities Planning
Space Flight Participant
Société Française de Phlébologie (French: French Society of Phlebology; Paris, France)
Single Failure Point
Stress-Free Polishing (semiconductors)
Scope Fusion Platform (professional audio recording/mixing/mastering system)
Suspicious File Packer (software)
Strategic Financial Plan
Société Française des Parfumeurs (French: French Society of Perfumers)
Save Fenway Park (Boston Red Sox; Boston, MA)
State Facility Permit (New York)
San Francisco, California Peninsula Line (Amtrak station code; San Francisco, CA)
Stochastic Fictitious Play (game theory)
Saint Francis Preparatory (high school)
Single Fiber Pigtail
Société Française de Parodontologie
Summary Flight Plan
Secure Flow Processor (Hifn)
Sorry for Partying
Safety Fire Protection (survey)
Students for Ron Paul
Société Française de Physiothérapie (French: French Society of Physiotherapy)
Starving for Perfection (pro-anorexic clique)
Short-Fault Protection
Sucker for Punishment
Success Factor Profiling
Simultaneous Foveal Perception
Simulated Flight Path
Single Fixed Pulley
Sales Force Planning
Sensor Fusion Processor
Switch Function and Parametric Data Interface
Self-Forging Penetrator (military targeting)
Standby Fire Pump
Standard Factory Pack (number of units per carton of a product)
Special Fabrication Program
Special Facilitation Program
Sappi Fine Paper, Inc.
Submerged Fermentation Plant
Supplementary Fire Party (ARP civil defence, UK)
Software Feature Package
St. Francis Preparatory High School (Flushing, NY)