Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:24

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SE

Special Edition

Side Effects

Software Engineering


System(s) Engineering

Second Edition

Search Engine

Special Education

Sex Education

Stock Exchange

Special Effects

Sweden (Internet top-level domain)

Southern Europe

Soul Eater (anime)

Sound Effect

Standard Edition

Saint Etienne (musical group)

Santiago del Estero (Argentina province)

Sales Executive

Sentence (Hyper Logo command)

Society and Environment (school subject)

Seychelles (Admiralty, Aldabra & Assumption)

Standard Error (statistics)

Structural Engineer

Special Equipment

Straight Edge (philately)

Support Equipment

Stretching Exercises

London Southeast (UK postcode)

Self Employed

Sales Engineer

Systems Engineer

Silver Edition (model)

Social Engineering (computers)

Special Envoy

State Engineering (Pakistan government)

Single Engine

Son Excellence (French: His Excellency)

Single Event (radiation effect)

square error

Supported Employment

Solvent Extraction

Solid Edge (3D solid modeling CAD software)

System Expansion (Apple Macintosh)

Single End

Specialized Experience

Sergipe (Brazil)

Spring Equinox

Sport England (UK)

Système d'Exploitation (French: Operating System)

Sony Electronics

Sports Edition


Square End

Snake Eater (gaming)

Status Epilepticus

Spaceship Earth (EPCOT)


Split End (similar to wide receiver; football)

Su Excelencia (title of address)

Stimulated Emission

Standard Examiner (newspaper)

Snowy Egret (bird)

Systems Europe (Belgium)

System Environment

Spongiform Encephalopathy

Seven Eleven (convenience market chain)

Screaming Eagles (soccer club; Washington, DC)

Spectral Efficiency

Self Evident

Shift Engineer

Sarjana Ekonomi (Indonesian: Bachelor of Economics)

Space Elevator

Student Expectations

Somatic Experiencing (mental health)

Standard English

Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Societas Europaea (European public limited-liability company)

Siege Engine (gaming)

Storage Element

Substantial Equivalence

Senior Engineer

Spurious Emission

Space Empires (gaming)

Spectrum Engineering

Sand Equivalent (civil engineering)

Supplies & Equipment

Stable Element

Server Environment

Student Experiment (NASA)

System Evaluation

Status Entry (Hekimian)

Serrated Edge

Stroboscopic Effect

Starr-Edwards (heart valves)

Service Économique (French: Economic Service; French Embassy)


Safety Evaluation

Standards Executive

Safety Engineer

Sharky Extreme

Spreading Efficiency (amount of information bits conveyed by each chip)

Survival Equipment

Service Evaluation (AT&T)

Selling Expenses

Static Encephalopathy (alcohol exposed)

Systematic Error

Spezial Electronic (German electronic company)

Software Evolvability (IEEE International Workshop)

Support Element

Service Establishment (Sprint)

Secondary Electron

Saban Entertainment

System Extension

Superintending Engineer

Slovenské Elektrárne (Slovak: Slovak Power Plants; est. 2002; Slovakia)

System Effectiveness

Security Escort

Strategic Ecosystem

Singles Encounter

Supported Education

Synthetic Environment

Segment End (Bellcore)

Surrogate Endpoint

Switching Element

Subcritical Experiment

Scientific Editing


Stratic Energy Corporation (Calgary, Canada; stock symbol)

September Eleventh

Situs Est (Latin: It Is Located; epigraphy)

Salem Elementary

Syntax Element (video coding)

Supporting Establishment

Swine Erysipelas

Serial Enable

Sucrose Equivalence (food measurement)

Surveillant d'Externat (French: Supervisor of Clerkship)

Square Enix, Ltd

surface de l'exploitation

Screwed Ends

Supplier Exchange


Seismic Earthquake


Secretor Factor

Survivability Enhancement

Sprint Express

Salmonella Enteritides

Shadow Elves (gaming)

Saami, Northern (Norwegian ISO Language Code)

Single-Ended, Cyclindrical Boiler (US Navy)

Sheets & Equipment (NYC Transit Authority)

Societas Eruditorum (Latin: People at the Place of Learning)

Systems Engineering and Integration Office (NIMA)

Signal Excess

Synchronous Editing

Small Eagles (Egypt)

Synchronization Element

Supportable Evaluation

Statiese Enkefalopatie