Today, Thursday، 26 Dec 2024 - 23:33

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: SDE

Software Development Engineer

SOF (Special Operations Forces) Digital Environment

Sustainable Development Education

Small Diesel Engine

Secretaria de Estado (Portuguese: Secretary of State; various locations)

Stochastic Differential Equation

Statistical Design of Experiments

Sleep Deprived EEG (electroencephalography)

Software Development Environment

Software Design Engineer

Southern Daily Echo (UK; newspaper)

Standard Deviation of the Error

System Development Environment

Senior District Executive

Signal Distribution Equipment

Service Delivery and Engineering (US VA)

Service Desk Express (software)

Sodium Reactor Experiment

Spatial Database Engine

Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energieproductie (Dutch: Renewable Energy Production Incentive)

Surface Drilling Equipment (various companies)

Sub Divisional Engineer

Screen Door Effect (display artifact)

Same Day Edit (videography)

System Design Engineering

Safety Domain ECU (Electronic Control Unit; TRW Automotive)

Shared Data Environment

Seller's Discretionary Earnings

State Designated Entity

Service Development Environment

Service Delivery Environment (telecommunications)

Standard Data Element

Shipment Delivery Express (Florence, Italy)

Secure Data Exchange

Shallow Dose Equivalent

Senior Developmental Education (Military education)

Service de l'Emploi (French: Employment Service; Switzerland)

Source-Drain Extension

Special Digital Edition

State Department Education

Standard Delivery Element (production)

Sustainable Development and Environmental Health

Supplier Development Engineer

Schéma de Développement Economique

Submission and Delivery Entity (ITU-T)

Support Data Extension

Specific Dynamic Effect

Service de l'Etudiant (French: Student Service)

Statement on the Defence Estimates

Signal Display Editor

Software Demonstration Evaluation

Simple Delay Equalization (Hekimian)

Scope Definition Element

Simulated During Exercise

Susquehanna Diversified Engineering