Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 06:28

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SD

San Diego

Standard Definition (standard for digital video disk recorders)

Super Duty (automobiles)

Storage Device

Significantly Different

South Dakota (US postal abbreviation)

Seven Days (band)

Self Defense


Secure Digital

Software Development

Single Dose

Smackdown (WWE TV show)


Service Delivery

Sudan (ISO country code, top level domain)

Silenced (weapon)

Software Developer

Something Different

Sales and Distribution (SAP)

Social Development

Survey Data (drafting and design)

Sustainable Development

Snoop Dogg

Sverigedemokraterna (Swedish: Sweden Democrats)


Speed Dial

Smart Devices

Slam Dunk

Sample Data

Smoke Detector

Security Deposit

Sanjay Dutt (Indian actor)

Snare Drum


Stable Disease

Sudden Death

Sheriff's Department

Slobodna Dalmacija (Croatian newspaper)

Super Deformed (anime)

Sweet Dreams

System Dynamics (complex systems)

Sexual Dysfunction

Sega Dreamcast

Send Data

Senior Director

State Director

Steward (USN Rating)

Scleroderma (connective tissue disease)

Snow Day

Shinedown (band)

Science Data

Salvia Divinorum (entheogenic spice)

Service Description


Sicherheitsdienst (German Security Department, WWII)

Shipping Date

System Description

Sine Die (Without A Day, fixed)


Service Director

Sprague-Dawley (laboratory rat strain)

Sauer-Danfoss (various locations)

Senile Dementia

Sugar Daddy

Special Duty

Soap Dispenser

Standard Duty (6 axle diesel locomotive)

Software Documentation

Skinny Dippin'

Service Dress

Same Difference

Submissive Dominant

Steely Dan

Shipping Department

Static Data

System Device

Shine-Dalgarno (genetics sequence)

Senior Discount

Schematic Description (Bell System)

Discriminative Stimulus

Steroid-Dependent (medical status)

Safe Driver

Social Distortion (band)

Storm Drain

Sidereal Day (orbital mechanics)

Search Depth

Signal Degrade

Star Destroyer (Star Wars)

Shadowdale (MUD)

Siamese Dream (Smashing Pumpkins album)

Supply Depot (Starcraft)

Speed Demon

Scoping Document

Shadow Development

System Display

Stay Down

Senior Deacon

Seiken Densetsu (game)

Signed Digit

Single Density

Skin Dose

Selection Diversity

Security Descriptor (Windows 2000)

Situation Display

Sight Draft

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Sandy Denny (singer)

Sekolah Dasar (Indonesian elementry school)

Saturation Degree

Social Desirability

Senate Document

Scan Disc (digital media card)

Spectral Data

Sample Duplicate

Schweizer Demokraten (Swiss Democrats)

Shaolin-Do (martial arts)

Smoke Damper (HVAC systems)

Software Division

Sectional Density

Speed Disk (Norton Utilities)

Schizotypal Disorder

Salutem Dicit (Latin: sends greetings)

Sudanese Dinar

Solar Diffuser

Smith-Dorrien (General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien)

Sudan Airways (IATA airline code)

Study Director

Survey Department

Superior Defender (anime)

Site Defense

Service Duct

Siemens Dematic

Structured Design

Supporting Document

Space Division

social drinker

Salario Devengado (Spanish: Earned Salary; various nations)

Spirit Detective (anime)

Slightly Damned (web comic)

Stage Direction (theater)

Solar Dynamics

System Demonstration

Spatial Disorientation

Super Dense

Supplementary Declaration (trade)

Synthetic Division

Spiral Development (effort)

Specially Denatured (alcohol for cosmetics)

Spectral Decomposition


Schedule Deviation

Stick Death (cartoon)

Socratic Dialogue

Stationary Deterministic (neural information processing)

Spin Dynamics

Soul Decision (band)

Satan's Disciples (gang)

Solicitation Document

Social Day

Systems Diagram

Supply Duct

Sans Date (French: No Date)

Sacrum Diis (Latin: Consacrated to the Gods, epigraphy)

Sphere Decoding

Suspense Date

Stream Detection

Subscale Demonstrator

Stream Density

Shoulder-Disarticulation (amputation)

Solvent Desorption

Superdreadnought (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)

Super Domain

Surface Duct

Super Dreadnought (naval and sci-fi space navy warship class)

Sweep Duration

Static Displacement

Southern Durchmusterung (star catalogue)

Speciale Diensten (Dutch)

Span Destination (Cisco)

Submittal Description

Structures and Deduction (ICALP Workshop)

Section Disparu (French: Section That Does Not Exist, from TV show Alias)

Spectacle Dispenser (US Navy)

Safe, Detected Failure

Start Descent

Staff Digest

Shivan Destroyer (FreeSpace 2 game)

Sparklet Devices (.50 caliber ammunition headstamp)

Spartan Dominion (forum)

Scorned Death (Shadowbane guild)

South Departure (aviation)

Super Compact Disk (Toshiba/Time Warner)

Archive and Dissemination Office (NIMA)

Set Decipherable

Senatus Decreto (Latin: By Decree of Senate, epigraphy)

Savane Développement (French)

Stationary Disturbance

Sith Domination (gaming clan)