Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 14:04

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SC



South Carolina (US postal abbreviation)

System Center (Microsoft)

Star Craft (game)

Service Center

Southern California

Supply Chain


Sports Center

Source Code

Supply Catalog

Swimming Club

Smart Card


Sierra Club

School Certificate (New South Wales, Australia)

Space Center

Security Council

Student Center

Southern Comfort

Smith College

Santa Cruz (Argentina province; Philippines; California, USA)

Supreme Court

Standing Committee

Support Center

Single Crochet

Special Case

Single Channel

System Control

Sales Consultant

Save the Children

Special Committee

Sailing Club


Short Circuit

Seychelles (ISO country code, top level domain)

Senior Citizen

Sin City (comic/movie)

Soft Computing (fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computation)

Senior Consultant

Steering Committee

Sisters of Charity

Single Cell

Stem Cell

Soft Cover (publishing)

Santa Catarina (Brazilian state)

Service Control

Stanley Cup (hockey)

Scientific Committee

Service Code (Bellcore)

Solar Cell (electronics)

Second Coming

Supreme Commander (gaming)

System Controller

Safety Car (auto racing)


Santa Claus

San Clemente (California)

Scheduled Caste (India)

SimCity (game)

Spinal Cord


Securities Commission

Southwestern College (Winfield, Kansas)

Senior Counsel (Australian equivalent of English Queens Counsel)


Splinter Cell (video game)

Sexual Content (movie subrating)


Single Coil (guitar pickup)

Secure Channel

Scooby Doo (cartoon dog)


Satin Chrome

State Coordinator

Safety Class

Sea Cadets


Simplified Chinese (language)

Solid Core

Sickle Cell

Signal Corps

Saint Kitts & Nevis

Sociedad Cooperativa (Spanish: Cooperative Society)

Sly Cooper (gaming)

Spell Check


SuperCars (website)

SportsCenter (ESPN television news program)

Students' Council

Steeplechase (track and field)

Storm Center

Signal Conditioning


Strategic Communication

Single Carrier


Splinter Cell (game)

Sound Canvas (Roland music)


Sean Connery (actor)

Service Change

Soft-Coated (Wheaten Terrier type)

Sociedade Civil

Software Component

Station Cash (gaming)

Sports Coupe (car)

Success Criteria

Soft Core

Santé Canada (Health Canada)

Scan Converter

Soul Calibur (Dreamcast Game)

Space Charge


St. Christopher-Nevis

Super Computer

Scientific Council (various organizations)

Sustainable Communities

Signature Confirmation (delivery)

Speed Controller


Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania)

Seattle Center

Safety Certificate (Australia)

Solar Cycle

Statement of Capability

SuperCard (computer software)

Speakers' Corner (public speaking)

Section Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)

Service Continuity

Single Column

Software Composition (Symposium)

Synaptonemal Complex (protein structure)

Supply Corps

Sumitomo Corporation (Japan)

Silver Certificate (currency)

Synthetic Complete

Sacred Cow

Samurai Champloo (anime series)

Statement of Compatibility (various locations)

Spatial Cognition (International Conference)

SuperCoupe (Ford Thunderbird model)

Something Corporate (band)

Sub C (battery)

Standardbred Canada (harness racing)


Stray Cat

Static Context (decompressor state)

Sterling College (Sterling, Kansas)

Seguridad Ciudadana (Guatemala special police task force)

Stratum Corneum (top layer of the skin)

Service Capability

Security Cooperation

Space Camp

Submarine Chaser (US Navy)

Brothers of the Sacred Heart (religious order)


Secondary Containment

Sample Check

Stratocumulus (cloud formation)

Small Capital (letter)

Sclerosing Cholangitis

Spontaneous Combustion (movie, chemistry, hot sauce brand)

Shading Coefficient

Star Control (game)

Stachybotrys Chartarum (straw mold)

System Concept

Superior Colliculus (part of the eye)

Ship's Cook (US Navy)

Service Configuration (Sprint)

Structural Capital

Sprint Cellular

Storage Capability

Stair Climbing (aerobic exercise)

Small Colony (mycoplasma)

Selection Criterion

Secret Crush

Southern Cone (geography)

Strike Commander

Security Category (National Institute of Standards & Technology)

Senior Controller

Station Chief

Session Control

Servicio Civil (Spanish)

Service Channel

Scoring Criteria

Small Crown (British watermark; philately)

Standard Connector (Fiber Connector)

Safety Computer

Sales Charge

Shaped Charge

Station Commander

Sculpsit (Latin: formed by; inscription on sculptures etc., followed by the name)

Standards Conformance

Specialty Course

Subject Centre (UK)

Special Communication (formal memo)

Small Computers

Switch Command (NEC)

Space Channel