Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 08:13

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: SAM

Substance Abuse Monitoring (various organizations)


Seattle Art Museum

Software Asset Management

Sales and Marketing (Australia)

Support and Maintenance (various companies)

Sustainable Asset Management

System Administration Manager (HP)

Samedi (French: Saturday)

Surface-to-Air Missile

Security Accounts Manager (Windows registry)

System for Award Management

Secret Agent Man

Senior Account Manager (various companies)

Singapore Art Museum

Something About Myself (creative achievement reporting)

Security Account Manager

Serbia and Montenegro

Simulation and Modeling

Strategic Asset Management

System Availability Management (Hewlett Packard)

Science and Mathematics

Sveikatos Apsaugos Ministerijos (Lithuanian: Ministry of Emergency Health)

Single Adult Ministry (various locations)

Science of Advanced Materials (American Scientific Publishers)

Servicio de Atención Médica (Spanish: Health Care Service)

Shoot Apical Meristem (plants)

Society for American Music

Software and More

Société Anonyme Monégasque (French: Anonymous Monaco Company; Monaco)

Society of American Magicians (St. Louis, MO, USA)


Speed Art Museum (Louisville, KY)

South African Museum (Cape Town, South Africa)

Susquehanna Art Museum (Harrisburg, PA)

Schultze Asset Management (George Schultze; Purchase, NY)

Self-Assessment Module

System for Accountability and Management (various organizations)

Semi-Automatic Method

Self Assembled Monolayer

Session Allocation Manager (software)

Self-Assembled Monolayer

Significance Analysis of Microarrays

Sterile Alpha Motif

AmiPro (file extension)

Society for Acute Medicine (UK; est. 2000)

Simply about Music (online radio)

Social Accounting Matrix

Sigma Alpha Mu

Suspicious Activity Monitoring (software)

Software Architecture Model

Super Absorbent Material

Stand Alone Module (various companies)

Self-Assembled Molecular

Student Achievement Measures (task force; Colorado)

Shared-Appreciation Mortgage

School of Aviation Medicine

Severe Acute Malnutrition

Split and Merge

Strategic Account Manager

Sexual Abuse of a Minor

Setup and Maintenance

Sequential Access Method

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia)

St. Andrews Medical (various locations)

School of Aerospace Medicine

Society for Adolescent Medicine

Space-Available Mail

Special Air Mission

Seminar for Applied Mathematics

Software Automatic Mouth (Apple II)

Skype Answering Machine (various companies)

Servicing And Maintenance

Storage Area Management

Service Account Manager

Systolic Anterior Motion

Scheduled Ancient Monument (UK)

Suginami Animation Museum (Tokyo, Japan)

Society for the Advancement of Management

Scanning Auger Microscopy

Serial Access Memory

Supplier Agreement Management

Stat-A-Matrix (Edison, NJ)

Southern Annular Mode (meteorology)

Secure Access Module

Support Account Manager

Separate Account Management

Small Acreage Management (Colorado)

Subsequent Address Message (CCS #7 ITU-T)

Southwestern At Memphis (now Rhodes College)

Spartanburg Art Museum (Spartanburg, SC)

Sound Absorbing Material

Stop Annoying Me

Sydney Alumni Magazine (University of Sydney; Sydney, Australia)

Sagawa Art Museum (Shiga, Japan)

Service Availability Management (various companies)

Scientific American Medicine

Streaming Audio Manager (software)

Sequence Alignment and Modeling

Station for Atmospheric Measurements (meteorology)

Simple Asynchronous Messaging (computing)

Salaire Annuel Moyen (French: Average Annual Salary)

Spectral Angle Mapper

Service Associate Member

Shimane Art Museum (Japan)

Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín (airline, Colombia)

Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement

Served Available Market

SCSI-3 Architecture Model

Students At Macquarie (Australia)

Serviceable Available Market (marketing)

Spin Angular Momentum (physics)

Software Acquisition Management

Systems Acquisition Management

Subsea Accumulator Module (energy exploration)

Service Assurance Manager (Smarts)

Search Asset Management (eXtéres)

Seismic Acoustic Magnetic (US DoD, Test and Evaluation)

South Australian Matriculation

Systolic Anterior Movement

Single Asian Male

Summer Annual Meeting

Symantec Anti-Virus for Macintosh

Saginaw Art Museum (Saginaw, Michigan)

Single Agency Manager (Pentagon Renovation Project)

Security Administration Manager

Service Access Multiplexer (Bellcore)

South American Office (ICAO)

Smart-Ass Masochist

Sandy Area Metro

Site Acquisition Manager

Sewer Access Module (robot used to pull fiber through sewers)

Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos (Spanish: Society of Mexican Architects; est. 1905)

Special Assets Management

Super Amazing Monkey (wrestling)

Sponsored Awards Management

System Administrator's Manual

Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (Canada)

System Administration Manual

Special Administrative Measure

Staging Area Manager

System Administration Module

Self-Appointed Manager

South American Monsoon

Strategically Altered Mutant

System Access Module

Service Activation Manager (Sigma Systems)

Special Attention Meeting

Structural Aluminum Malleable (type of splint)

Self Adjusting Mattress

Synchronous Access Mode

Solar Advisor Model

Semi-Analytic Model (galactic modeling)

Service Availability Matrix (Cisco)

Security Authentication Module

Student Association of Missouri

Single Accumulator Multiplier (cryptography)

Separate Absorption Multiplication

Single-use Authentication Mechanism (IETF, Kerberos)

Supplemental Assay Method

System Assurance Manager (NASA)

Speech-Aware Multimedia

Self Assembling Material

Super-Automated Machine (early Sesame Street)

Situation Awareness Mode (radar)

Scalable ADSL Modem (Integrated Telcom Express)

Syndicat des Agences de Mannequins (French: Union of Model Agencies)

Sprint Account Manager (Sprint)

Support Agreement Manager

Sun and Aureole Measurement

St. Albans Museum

Subscriber Access Multiplexer

Self Automated Machine

Search Area Map (search and rescue operations)

Small Angle Maneuver

Soldier Assignment Module

Status Activity Monitor

System Available Memory

Stratospheric Aerosol Monitor

Strategic Alignment Management

Standard Analysis Method

Synchronous Address Multiplexor

Solent Advanced Motorcyclists (UK)

Sesame Access Manager

Service Automation Module (Opsware)

Specialized Aircraft Maintenance

Status of Acquisition Message

Stratified Anisotropic Media

Stupid Ass Meeting

Sub-Array Module

Scientific Archive Management

Small Aperture Module (laser)

Sociaal Actieve Mensen

Shallow Angle Metallization

Salary Administration Manual

Student Assessment and Measurement

Stedelijke Adviesraad Multiculturele Stad Den Haag

Stockage for Availability Method

Synchronous/Asynchronous Multiplexer

Sensor Arrays and Multichannel Signal Processing