Today, Wednesday، 5 Feb 2025 - 14:20

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: RSVP

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

ReSerVation Protocol

Resource Reservation Protocol

Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (French: Reply, If You Please; commonly seen on invitations)

Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

Regional Smoking Vehicle Program (Texas)

Refund Support Vocations Program (Knights of Columbus)

Regional Senior Vice President (various companies)

Relief Services for Veterinary Practitioners (est. 1992)

Research Society for Victorian Periodicals

Rare Symmetry Violating Processes

Renewables for Sustainable Village Power

Resolve to Stop the Violence Project

Rice Student Volunteer Program (Rice University)

Raising Student Voice and Participation

Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention (University of Chicago)

Responsible Social Values Program

Restoring Social Virtue and Purity (advocacy)

Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party

Respond So Very Promptly (satire)

Reconstructive Surgeons Volunteer Program

Reduced Ships Crew by Virtual Presence (US Navy)

Research Study Volunteer Program

Research and Supercomputing Visitor Program (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

Recognize Success Via Implementation

Root Specific Vocabulary Puzzles

Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (book)

Rapid Syndrome Validation Program

Residential Street Vitality Program

Retirement Supplemental Voluntary Program

Readiness Skills Verification Program (US Air Force)

Rapid Service Voice Processing

Rotating Surveillance Vehicle Platform

Rating Site Value Points

Reinforcing Safety Values in People

Register, Select, Vote and Protect Your Vote

Retrieve Sound Velocity Profile

Reports Scenario Verification Program

Restartable Solid Variable Pulse (rocket motor)