Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:35

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: RS

Rally Sport (Chevrolet Camaro)

Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)



Reed-Solomon (error-correction code)

Rolling Stone (magazine)

Railway Station

Relief Society

Red Sea

Result Set

Radio Shack

Right Side

Request to Send

Remote Sensing

Royal Society

Restore (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)

RuneScape (game)

Religious Studies

Room Service

Roof Spoiler (automobiles)

Renaultsport (race car)

Rupees (Indian, Sri Lankan, & Pakistani Currency)

Runescape (computer game)

Relative Strength

Rapid Start (fluorescent light bulbs)

Research Scientist (various locations)

Reference Standard (various locations)

Roadside (vehicle design)

Rennsport (English: Motorsport)

Rallye Sport (Ford Motor Company; Europe)

Reliable Source

Research Staff

Reference Signal

Rocket Ship

Republika Srpska (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Rajya Sabha (India)

Runs Scored (sports)

Radio Silence

Recruiting Station (US DoD)

Ravi Shankar (Indian musician)

Reservation System

Red Shirt (Star Trek)

Rainbow Six (game)

Rotary Switch

Recommended Standard

System Reliability

Red Steel (gaming, Nintendo Wii)

Reasonable Suspicion (legal standard)

Rackmount Server

Research Summaries (DTIC)


Richter Scale

Radio Star

Ringo Starr (musician)

Reference Station (software)

Social Movement (Poland)

Record Separator (character)

Rogue Spear (game)

Reset Key

Router Solicitation

Rapid-Share (file transfer service)

Robert Schumann (classical composer)

Replacement Service (unit; insurance)

Recording Secretary

Receiving Ship (various locations)

Rocket Scientist

Ruby & Sapphire (Pokemon games)

Reduction Strategies (in Rewriting and Programming)

Resistant Starch

Rubber Soul (Beatles album)

Rockstar Games

Response Support

Remote Station

Religious Support (US DoD)

Raven Shield (computer game)

Regional Stability

Radio Science

Run Support (baseball; runs scored for a pitcher per 9 innings)

Royal Selangor

Ranger Station (US NPS)

Relay System

Reed-Sternberg (Cell)

Range Safety

Regional Summary (various organizations)

Reye's Syndrome

Read Set

Reverse Split (stocks)

Rockwell Software

Reconnaissance Squadron

Revised Statute

Richard Simmons (fitness personality)

Retail System

Return Specialist (football)

Royal Scots (British Regiment)

Religious Science

Raster Scan

Rough Set (theory)

Relay Satellite

Requirement Specification

Rice Starch

Road Space

Russian Segment

Road Sweeper

Reconnaissance and Surveillance

Read Signal (Nortel)

Registered Sanitarian (NEHA credential)

Radiation Sensor

Radar Set

Reduced Strength

Rankin Scale (medicine)

Redemptionis Sacramentum

Rising Stem (valve)

Regenerator Section

Request for Support

Report of Survey


Spearman Rank-Order Correlation

Restraint and Seclusion

Radiated Susceptibility

Reconciliation Sublayer

Roger Staubach

Road Survey

Registration Standard

Run Steel

Requirement Submission (US DoD)

Redundancy Switch

Router Shelf (Cisco)

Record of Survey

Row Space (mathematics)

Reputation Service (email investigation authority)

Roll Stabilization

Requirements Statement

Radio Spares (UK electronic component supplier)

Republika Sprska

Rover Scout

Rolls Series (Oxford Rolls Series, used by historians in bibliographies)

Rozgar Samachar (Hindi magazine)

Rate Synthesizer (US DoD)

Resistance Soldering

Region Server

Redirection Server

Revised Status

Reconnaissance & Strike

Reverse Shear

Regulating Station

Radio Supervisor (UK naval petty officer rating)

Radiation Status

Rhyothemis Semihyalina (dragonfly species)

Remote Survey

Reporting Senior (military)

Remote Sentry

Reactive Search (predictive analysis)

Radiation Susceptibility

Resource Sponsor

Role Specialization

Radiocommunications Sector

Ringed Sideroblast (blood disorders)

Resume Sheet

Rhythmic Stabilization (PNF technique)


Rebel Squadrons (Star Wars gaming fan group)

Reactive Scheduling

Rothschild-Stiglitz (insurance model)

Reforesting Scotland (UK)

Restricted Staff

Receive Segment

Route Stability

Regimental Support

Radioactive Shipments

Replenishment Spares

Rat Stuff (polite form, Australian slang, poor quality or broken)

Remotely Settable (Fuze)

Richtschütze (German: Gunner)

Realty Section

Robin Sena (anime)

Rimming Steel

Row Seeder

Rosyth School (Singapore)

Reactor Starting

Random Sean (band)

Radio Set/System

Robotic Servicer

Rapid Shooter (Canon EOS 1N camera)

Referral Score

Rehabaid Society

Rainier Symphony (Seattle, WA)

Reprocessing Specification

US Revenue Private Die Medicine (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)

Riot Squad Counter-Strike Clan (Dallas, TX)

DCS/Recruiting Service (USAF)

Reached Surface Time

Recommended Schedule/Standard

Relocation/Reconstruction Site

Ruhunu Sisila (Sri Lankan organization)

ResourceStorage (architectural engineering web services)