Today, Sunday، 22 Dec 2024 - 22:51

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: RPM

Revolutions Per Minute

RPM Package Manager (formerly Red Hat Package Manager)

Red Hat Package Manager

Rotations Per Minute

Real Property Management

Remote Print Manager

Rounds Per Minute

Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver

Rock/Punk/Metal (music)

Revenue Passenger Miles (airlines)

Resale Price Maintenance

Ranish Partition Manager (computing)

Rights Protection Mechanism (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

Residential Property Management (Virginia Tech)

Recruitment Process Management (software)

Regulatory Project Manager (US FDA)

Remedial Project Manager

Regulatory Procedures Manual (US FDA)

Remote Patient Monitoring

Rational Portfolio Manager (IBM)

Reinforced Polymer Mortar (pipes)

Remote Performance Monitoring (software)

Route Processor Module (Cisco)

Risk Portfolio Management

Roller Provence Méditérranée (French roller skating club)

Rate Per Minute

Radiation Portal Monitor

Retail Product Management

Regents Policy Manual (various schools)

Revenue Per Thousand (ad impressions)

Raised Pavement Marker

Rapid Prototyping Machine

Retail Price Maintenance

Resale Price Method (finance)

Resource Pool Management (Cisco)

Royal Prerogative of Mercy (Canada)

Real Property Maintenance

Registre des Personnes Morales (Brussels Trade Register)

Residential Property Manager

Resource Provisioning Management

Regional Project Manager

Raw Power in Motion (fixed cycle exercise)

Repetitions Per Minute

Regroupement des Producteurs Multimedia (French: Gathering of Multimedia Producers; Canada)

Recherche en Pédagogie Musicale (French: Research in Music Pedagogy)

Radio Packet Modem

Resource Portfolio Management

Ruimtelijk Project Management (Belgium)

Registered Project Manager

Reprogrammable Microprocessor

Remote Port Module

Reflective Pavement Marker

Random Point Multiplication

Registered Publication Manual (US Navy)

Reactive Plume Model

Reforming Project Management (magazine)

Raised Pavement Marking

Retro-Propulsion Module (NASA Galileo assembly)

Resource Program Management

Rabbits Per Minute (cartoon, Wallace & Gromit)

Relationally Placed Macro

Re-Punched Mint Mark (coin grading)

Reasonable and Prudent Measure

Rumen Protected Methionine

Recursive Process Management

Root Protection Matting (construction damage mitigation)

Redmax Personal Modem

Rapid Productivity Methodology

Research and Program Management

Reserve Personnel Management (US Coast Guard)

Resource and Performance Management

Receivables Payment Manager (dental patient records claims processing)

Reactor Plant Manual

Rassemblement Pour Mali (French: Rally for Mali)

Residual Potential Mapping (geophysical exploration and characterization method)

Reliable Packet Management (L3's self-adjusting wireless communications environment)

Runs per Minute (oil industry)

Remote Program Management

Radial Power Monitor

Redundant Port Module (ADC)

Registered Publication Memorandum (US Navy)

Respublica Mediolanensis (Latin: Republic of Milan, Italy; codices and manuscripts)

Reliability Planning and Management

Reduced-Population Model

Repair Parts Master (Standard Army Maintenance System, SAMS Manual)

Repeater Performance Monitor

Resilient Packet Mesh (Tropic Networks)

Recycled Products Market

Reference Point Message

Reverse Path Monitor

Reynolds Private Managed Network (Reynolds and Reynolds)