Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:53

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Search result from: REC


Regional Environmental Center


Receive (telecommunications)



Rural Electric Cooperative

Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (Sandvika, Norway)




Research Ethics Committee

Recruitment and Employment Confederation (UK)

Resources for Early Childhood (Ohio)

Renewable Energy Certificate

Real Estate Consultant



Research and Education Committee (various organizations)

Residential Energy Consumption (energy use category)

Real Estate Contract

Renewable Energy Credit

Rural Electrification Corporation (India)

Ryukoku Extension Center (Ryukoku University; Kyoto, Japan)

Religious Education Committee (various organizations)

Real Estate Club (various organizations)

Reach Every Child (education)

Reformed Expository Commentary (Bible commentary series)

Research and Educational Center (various schools)

Reno Events Center (Reno, NV)

Raffles Education Corporation (various locations)

Regional Economic Communities

Republican Executive Committee

Reformed Ecumenical Council (Grand Rapids, MI)

Reformed Episcopal Church

Regional Engineering College

Revenue Estimating Conference

Resource Exchange Center (various locations)

Reed Exhibition Companies (various locations)

Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd (India)

Regional Education Conference (International Special Events Society)

Responsible Endowments Coalition (various organizations)

Recognized Environmental Condition (environmental, geoscience, and engineering)

Redwood Empire Chapter (various organizations)

Regional Examination Center (US Coast Guard)

Remote Encoding Center

Renal Epithelial Cells

Respiratory Epithelial Cells

Rescue Emergency Care (Ireland)

Record of Environmental Consideration

Regional Electricity Company

Rehabilitation Engineering Centre (various locations)

Responsive Emergency Care

Revue Electronique de Communication

Renewable Energy Cheaper Than Coal

Regional Emergency Coordinator

Radio Electronic Combat

Regional Environmental Coordinator

Rennes Étudiants Club (French: Rennes Students Club; Rennes, France)

RECeive Alarm

Receive Error Counter (computer networking)

Revenue Earning Customer

Réseau Européen de la Concurrence (French: European Competition Network; EU)

Radio en Construction (French radio station)

Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil - Guararapes International (Airport Code)

Renaissance Electronics Corp (Harvard, Massachusetts)

Rare-Earth Cobalt

Resource Efficiency Club (UK)

Recollections in Christianity (Sacramento, California)

Rabbit Ear Chamber

Regional Energy Commission (Russia)

Recommender Systems in e-Commerce

Request for Engineering Change

Réduction d'Emissions Certifiée (French)

Roll Eccentricity Compensation (mills)

Regional Evaluation Center

Random Environment Contest (Robot Battle tournament)

Reinsurance Earned Commissions (insurance)

Subsafe Re-Entry Control

Route Evènementiel Classique (French automobile club)

Record of Environmental Compliance

Right-Edge Cell