Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 10:59

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: RAM

Random-Access Memory

Remote Area Medical

Royal Academy of Music

Repair and Maintenance

Rabbit Anti-Mouse

Request for Approval of Material (Washington State Department of Transportation)

Rage Against the Machine (band)

Restaurant Association of Maryland (Columbia, MD)

Real Action Marker (paintball gun)

Radioactive Material

Random Acts of Music

Rothschild Asset Management (New York)

Reynolds Alberta Museum (Canada)

Riverside Art Museum (California)

Regional Atmospheric Model (meteorology)

Recherche et Applications En Marketing (French: Research and Applications in Marketing)

Rolling Airframe Missile

Reliability and Maintainability

Rational Asset Manager (software)

Remote Application Management

Reverse Annuity Mortgage

Read And Modify (original meaning when referring to computer memory)

Revista Argentina de Microbiología (Spanish: Argentina Journal of Microbiology)

Royal Australian Mint

Random Access Machine (informatics)

Rochester Academy of Medicine (Rochester, NY)

Reliability, Availability, & Maintainability

Royal Arch Mason (magazine)

Rockets And Missiles

Richmond Art Museum (Richmond, IN)

Risk Assessment Methodology

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (project management)

Round-A-Mount (RAM Mounting Systems)

Radar-Absorbing Material

Radar Absorbent Material

Recent Advances in Manufacturing

Remote Administration Module (computing)

Remaking American Medicine (resource)

Random Antiterrorism Measures (US DoD)

Relative Atomic Mass (chemistry)

Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (International Conference)

Rockets, Artillery and Mortars

Radio Audience Measurement

Remote Access Manager (Digital Lightwave)

Root Apical Meristem

Reform the Armed Forces Movement (Philippines)

Risk Assessment Matrix

Rechargeable Alkaline Manganese (battery)

Research and Analysis of Media (marketing)

Remote Account Management

Regional Accounting Manager

Resolution Asset Management (various companies)

Rapidly-Adapting Mechanoreceptor (neuroscience)

Resource Allocation Method

Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorologia (Spanish)

Rangeline Antique Mall (Joplin, MO)

Route Asset Manager (transport)

Rating Agency Malaysia Bhd.

Royal Ark Mariners (Masonic)

Restricted Ability to Maneuver (ships)

Reading Acceleration Machine

Revenu Annuel Moyen (French: Average Annual Income)

Remote Access Multiplexer (Pulsecom)

Restricted Access Management (fishing program)

Regional Agency Markets

Rec.arts.mystery (Usenet group)

Radiation Area Monitor

Real Audio Movie (file extension)

Revenue Accounting and Management

Resource Allocation Management

Restricted-Access Media

Rapid Alternating Movements (neurology)

Russian Aviation Museum

Residue Analytical Methods

Research Analysis & Maintenance, Inc.

Remedy Asset Management

Royal Air Maroc, Morocco (ICAO code)

Ricerche e Analisi Manoscritti (Italian: Researches and Manuscript Analysis)

Restricted Access Materials

Regional Audit Manager

Reconnaissance Air Meet

Radio Alpine Meilleure (French radio station)

Rest Are Mine (when playing hearts online)

Russo-American Mercantile (Buck Rogers RPG)

Raised Angle Marker (identifies point of impact for airdrop operations)

Raised Angle Marker (military paradrop)

Restricted Area Molding

Ready Access Memory, Inc.

Rectangular Approximation Method (calculus, integrals)

Rapid Area Maintenance

Rebolusyonaryong Alyansang Makabayan (Philippines extremist group)

Radio Attenuation Measurement

Root Aeration Matting (trees)

Requirements Allocation Matrix

Requirements Abstraction Model

Remote Area Monitor

Relais Assistances Maternelles (French childcare center)

Rapid Arm Movement (breastfeeding technique)

Ras-Related Gene from Megakaryocyte (protein)

Regional Asset Manager

Random Access Measurement System (Sprint)

Research and Applications Module

Regional Atheist Meet (American Atheists, Inc.)

Radio Alpes Mancelles (French radio station)

Right Attacking Midfielder (soccer)

Robbery Apprehension Module (NYPD)

Right Ascension of the Meridian

Réseau des Animaleries Montpelliéraines (French animal studies network)

Radiation Air Monitor

Ratscat Advanced Measurement

Radiation Attenuation Measurement

Regional Area Meteorologist

Streaming RealAudio File

Retrofit Attrition Material

Reliability Assessment & Monitoring

Radiological Aerosol Monitor

Playlist file for multiple RA (RealAudio) or RM (RealMedia) files

Registered Apartment Management

Réduction de l'Action Moléculaire (French: Reduction of Molecular Action)

Regional Analysis Model

Responsibility and Accountability Matrix

Residual Asset Manager

Readiness Action Measure

Response Activity Matrix

Riders Association of Maragondon (motorcycle club; Philippines)