Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:24

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: PR


Paraná (Brazilian state)


Partial (METAR descriptor)

Parks and Recreation

Print (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)

Print (Hyper Logo command)

Public Relations

Puerto Rico (US postal abbreviation)

Press Release


Partner (IRB)


Printer (Apple II command)



Progress Report

Permanent Resident

Pressure Regulator (valve)

Park Ridge

Pull Request (computer programming)

Pattern Recognition

PageRank (Google search technology)

Performance Review(s)

Planning and Responsibility

Problem Report

Papa Roach (band)

Performance Report (various organizations)

Personal Record

Project Report

Punk Rock

Preston (postcode, United Kingdom)

Prairie (street suffix)


Prices Realized


Power Rating (gaming)

Peer Review

Primary Responsibility



Progesterone Receptor

Power Rangers (cartoon)


Puncture Resistant (footwear)

Packet Radio

Personal Representative

Price Reduction

Partial Response

Preview Release (a post-beta software program)

Parental Responsibility (Children Act 1989; UK)

Princeton Review

Proportional Representation

Part Request

Patrick Roy (former hockey goalie)

Pakistan Railways

Pressure Ratio

Performance Rating (processors)

Paper Round

Pro Rata (Latin: in proportion to)

Philippine Airlines

Problem Resolution

Pulse Rate

Partial Remission (oncology)

Pathogenesis-Related (proteins)

Presidência da República (Portugal)

Prayer Request

Pseudo Random

Partial Resistance

Parachute Rigger (USN Rating; obsolete)



Peoples' Republic

Presidente da República (President of the Republic)

Postoperative Recurrence (surgery)

Pine-Richland (Pennsylvania school district)

Patent Rules

Presidente da República (Portuguese President)

Presidente da República (Portuguese: President of the Republic)

Pregnancy Rate

Precipitation Radar

Partial Reconfiguration

Professional Referee (sports)


Point Roberts (Washington)

Process Reengineering (Sprint)

Program Register

Pokemon Ranger

Punt Returner (football)

Pinar del Rio (postcode, Cuba)

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Personal Radio

Purchase Request

Plymouth Rock (chicken breed)

Program Resource

Prevalence Rate

Preliminary Review

Porter Ranch (California)

Purchase Requisition

Policy Region

Product Request

Phantom Regiment (Drum and Bugle Corps, Rockford, Illinois)

Prevalence Ratio

Photographic Reconnaissance Aircraft (US Air Force)

Pax Romana (Latin: Roman Peace)

Passive Ranging

Newspaper Tax (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)

Petit Robert (French dictionary)

Phosphate Rock

Prandtl Number

Projekt Revolution (Linkin Park tour)

Per Rectum (method of medication)

Pharmaceutical Representative (journal)

Pesticide Registration (EPA)

Priority Records (record label)

Poisson's Ratio

Pour Remercier (French: to express thanks)

Procurement Regulations

Percentile Rank

Parma, Emilia (Italian province)

Personal Recognizance (bond/bail)

Priority Regulation (US DoD)

Personnel Recovery

Performance Run (fitness)

pump room (tankers)


Received Power

Process Reliability

Procurement Request

Portfolio Rebalancing

Pilot Run

Policy Record

Photo Resist

Photochemical Reaction

Position Reference

Project Revolution (gaming, Warcraft IIITotal Conversion)

Product Record

Periodic Reinvestigation

Pershing Rifles (honorary military fraternity founded in 1894 by General John J. Pershing)

Per Rectal (examination of a patient)

Position Release (AT&T)


Psychopathic Records (CD label)

Pressure Recorder


Purchaser's Right


Prothrombin Ratio

Pulmonic Regurgitation

Punjab Regiment (Pakistan)

Posting Reference

Processor Rating

Pesticide Regulation Notice (EPA)

Payload Recorder (US NASA)

Pyrolytic Release Experiment

Pneumatic Ram

Polarization Rotator

Punctum Remotum (Latin: far point of accommodation)

Photo Reflectance

Planned Requirement

Pusher Robot (gaming)

Planet Replay (media/electronics store)

Preventive Replacement

Potomac Runners (Washington, DC area running group)

Parameter Redundancy

Patrol Vessel, River Gunboat (US Navy)

Procedural Reflection

Profundo Rosso (movie)

Pitch Runner (baseball)

Parti Républicaine (French: Republican Party)

Parti Republikan (Republican Party; political party, Albania)

Path Restorable

Ponti Radio PR SpA (Italy)

Procurement/Purchase Request

Prototyping Request

Power Repeatability (Agilent)

Periodogram Roughness (economics)

(USN Rating) Aircrew Survival Equipmentman

Personal Reschedule