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Search result from: PPP
Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet)
Purchasing Power Parity
Public Private Partnership
Pakistan Peoples Party
People's Progressive Party (Guyana)
Pixels par Pouce (French: Dots per Inch)
Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos (Spanish: Potentially Hazardous Dogs)
Pentose Phosphate Pathway (sugar metabolism)
Plano Plurianual (Portuguese: Multi-Year Plan; Brazil)
Platelet-Poor Plasma
Plan Puebla Panamá (Spanish)
Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna (Polish: Psychological and Educational Clinic)
Partnerstwa Publiczno Prywatnego (Polish: Public-Private Partnership)
PowerPoint Presentation
Points per Possession (sports)
Pearly Penile Papules (Hirsuties papillaris genitalis)
Pure Power Plant (marijuana strain)
Pole Pedal Paddle (sporting event; various locations)
Preferred Provider Program (various organizations)
Platinum Pied Pipers (band)
Pianississimo (music; very soft volume)
Pollution Prevention Plan
Participatory Planning Process
Prepayment Penalty
Peak Pulse Power
Primary Prevention Project (clinical study)
Polska Partia Pracy (Polish: Polish Labour Party)
Policies, Plans and Programs (various organizations)
Personal Pension Plan (invesment; UK)
Palestinian People's Party
Polluter Pays Principle
Pontos por Polegada (Portuguese: Dots per Inch)
People Power Party (political group, Thailand)
Precio Promedio Ponderado (Spanish: Weighted Average Price)
Plant Protection Product
Project, Program and Portfolio (management process)
Policies, Programmes and Projects (various locations)
Protocolo Punto a Punto (Spanish: Point-to-Point Protocol)
Positive Parenting Program (various locations)
Puntos Por Pulgada (Spanish: Dots Per Inch)
Popularly Positioned Products (Nestlé)
Per Pay Period
Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party, Indonesia)
Poultry Processing Plant
Priority Placement Program
Palestinian Public Perceptions (reports)
Pay Per Performance
Processes, Procedures and Policies (various companies)
Programa Primeiros Projetos (Portuguese: First Projects Program; Brazil)
Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian director, 1922-1975)
Potter Puppet Pals (website)
Purdue Pesticide Programs (Indiana)
Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm (Germany)
Policy, Plan and Program
Perfect Passive Participle
ParaParaParadise (dance simulation game series)
Plus Proche Parent (French: Next of Kin; Canada)
Pusan Promotion Plan (South Korea)
People, Places & Plants
Private Placement Program (banking)
Prohibited Personnel Practices
Public Participation and Petitions (South Africa)
Professional Protector Plan (dental liability insurance)
Practice Practice Practice
Prodrive Performance Pack (Subaru)
Payment Protection Plan (credit card insurance program)
Pollution Prevention Program
Progressive People's Party
Parent Partnership Program (various locations)
Push Pull Power
Premium Payment Plan (various organizations)
Parallels Power Panel (software)
Pacific Peoples' Partnership
Pilot Proficiency Program (safety; various locations)
Piano Pianissimo (music; played as softly as possible)
Pixma Photo Printer (Canon)
Premier Partner Program (various organizations)
Passenger Protection Program (airline industry)
Parti Progresif Penduduk (Malyasia)
Program Protection Plan
Passive Periphrastic
Power Play Points (hockey)
Programmable Power Processor
Power Projection Platform
Pagan Pride Project
Preparation for the Professions Program (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)
Power Plant Posse
Participle Perfect Passive (grammatical form)
Pale Porcelain Princess (beauty/makeup forum slang)
Performance Protection Plan (product performance)
Parti Populaire des Putes (French: Popular Party of Prostitutes; Canada)
Puff Puff Pass
Premium Personal Password (Muzi)
Public Papers of the Presidents
Presence, Posture and Profile
Parentes Pii Posuerunt (Latin: Pious Parents Have Built, epigraphy)
Public Player Program (golf initiative; Canada)
Penultimate Profit Prospect
Personnel Protective Equipment
Piss Poor Planning
Partido del Poder del Pueblo (Indonesia)
Piss Poor Protoplasm
Product Protection Plan
Preservation, Packaging, and Packing
Personnel Performance Profile
Pretty Pretty Pease
Provincial Parliamentary Programme (South Africa)
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius (Finnish comedian)
Pre-Laboratory Preparation Period (also seen as PLPP)
Press Photographers of the Philippines
Partial Path Protection
Poker Player Posse
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
Pink Paula Pack (Firefox theme)
Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
Pueblo Panama Plan
Product Planning Process (project management)
Perfect Prom Project
Percent Perfect Performance
Paléontologie, Phylogénie et Paléobiologie (French: Paleontology, Phylogeny, and Paleobiology)
Peripheral Pulses Palpable
Prominent Point Processing
Parish Pastoral Plan
Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin
Portable Phoenix Project
Party Puff People (Swedish band)
Plan Particulier de Protection (French: Individual Protection Plan)
Porcine Pleuropneumonia
Premium Paintball Products
Ping, Pipe, and Power (web hosting/data center slang)
Peleliu Pacific Partnership (humanitarian assistance mission)
Participium Perfectum Passivum (Latin)
Premium Price Policy
Privatization Planning Panel
Product Program Proposal
Projected Promotion Potential
Projects, Plans and Policy
Pen, Paint & Pretzels
Partial Parity Protection
Partenariats Publique-Privé (French: Public-private partnerships; Quebec, Canada government agency)
Point Protocol Problem
Pulse Power Protection
Pyramid Plate People (food hogging)
Pilot Production Program
Philosophy Politics and Psychology
Pose, Pause, Pounce (teaching strategy)
Possession of Paraphernalia
Pre-fragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed round
Prepare, Prime, Paint
Prepositioned Procurement Package
Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis
Partido Popular Português
Peter Pan Pool
People Process and Product