Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:50

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: PM

Prime Minister


Power Management

Per Month

Private Message

PERL Module

Project Management

Project Manager

Pain Management

Price Match

Plus Minus (hockey goals scored while player on/off ice)

Performance Monitoring

Paul McCartney (musician)

Personal Message (IRC)

Property Manager

Product Manager

Process Management

Program Manager


Precious Metals

Performance Management

Principles of Medicine

Particulate Matter

Performance Measurement

Power Macintosh (Apple)


Phillip Morris

Perpetual Motion

Priority Mail (USPS)


Preventive Medicine

Preventative Maintenance

Portfolio Manager

Preventive Maintenance

Maximum Power

Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

Production Manager

Practice Management

Primeiro-Ministro (Portugal)


Push Me

Perry Meridian (High School)

Prime Mover

Pocket Monsters (Pokémon)

Plasma Membrane (lipid bilayer)

Power Monitoring


Process Model

Permanent Magnet

Police Misconduct

Performance Meeting


St. Pierre and Miquelon (ISO country code, top level domain name)

Popular Mechanics (magazine)

Pipe Major

Production Management

Policy Manual

Personal Mobility (various meanings)

Precautionary Measure


Procedures Manual

Personnel Manager

Permanent Memory


Paper Mario (N64 game)

Princess Mononoke

Powder Metallurgy

Printed Matter

Planned Maintenance

Project M (gaming)

Play Money

Perfect Money (Internet payment system; Panama)

Power Module

Palliative Medicine

Phantom Menace (Star Wars)

Production Model

Past Master

Policia Militar

Pattern Matching

Purchasing Manager

Pubblico Ministero (Italian: Public Prosecutor)

PageMaker (Adobe software)

Procurement Manager

Prime Meridian (magazine)

Prime Meridian (zero longitude)

Periodic Maintenance

Psychosomatic Medicine

Participating Member (various organizations)

Political Military

Pulp Mill

Premier Ministre (French: Prime Minister; various nations)

Penalty Minutes (hockey)

Provost Marshal

Problem Management

Photographic Memory

Paul Murphy (property manager; UK)

Pentium M (Intel processor)

Phase Modulation


Patriot Missile

Paper Machine

Probability of Mutation (genetic algorithms)

Program Memory

Phone Me

Pharmacy Manager

Polarization-Maintaining (fiber optics)


Pressure Meter


Primary Mirror (telescopes)

Pulse Modulation

Payload Module

Prototype Model (engineering)

Production Meeting

Pure Math

Plumbing & Mechanical (Mesa, AZ)

Patternmaker (USN Rating)

Powerlifting Motivation

Project Master

PlayMemories (software; Sony)

Penton Media (New York, NY)

Patient Movement (US DoD)

Polymyositis (Immune disease causing muscle inflammation)


Palm Mute (guitar technique)

Planning Module

Principal Manager (various companies)

Perception Management (corporate communications)

Philippine Marine (indigenous Marine in the Philippines)

Person Months (work measurement)

Pitchfork Media

Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (religious order)


People Meter

Provost Marshall (US DoD)

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (US DoD)

Presentation Manager (OS/2)

PartitionMagic (PowerQuest)

Peso Mexicano (Mexican Peso)

Peritoneal Metastasis

Privilege Management (IT, middleware; networking)

Progressive Maintenance

Pilot Monitoring


Post Meridiem (period from noon to midnight)

Program Memorandum

Propulsion Module

Progressive Majority


Pour Mémoire (French: for the record)

Polymer Morphology

Project Memo

Push Money

Planar Map

Platform Model (Object Management Group)

Purulent Meningitis

Properties Master (theatre)

Pontifex Maximus

Preparative Meeting (Quaker religion)

Prototyping Methodology



Power Mirror

Proposed Monitor

Pressurized Module

Protocol Machine

Playmore Corporation (Japan)

Production Manifold (oil and gas drilling)

Police Magistrate

Photo Multiplier

Plaza Miranda (Philippines)

Police Militaire (French: Military Police)

Platinum Medallion (Delta Sky Miles)


Passage Material (US DoD)

Performance Margin

Preço de Mercado (Portuguese: Market Price)

Pour Memoir (French: For Memory; response to RSVP)

Peritrophic Matrix (biology)

Pistolet Mitrailleur (French: Machine Gun)

Purchase Memorandum

Pohjoismaiden Mestaruus (Finnish: Nordic Championship)

Petameter (10 E^15, one quadrillion meters)

Passmonster (security software)

Plant Miscellaneous

Parallel Track Multiunit (US DoD)

Précompte Mobilier (French)

Pressure Multiplier

Processable Mode

Project Missionary

Peter Moosleitner's Magazin (German science magazine)

Pronto Mezcla (Guatemala concrete dispencer business)

