Today, Tuesday، 1 Apr 2025 - 02:01

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: PIA

Professional Insurance Agents

Pakistan International Airlines (ICAO code)

Pain In the Ass

Philippine Information Agency

Printing Industries of America

Partners in Africa (Saint Paul, MN)

Privacy Impact Assessment

Primary Insurance Amount (US Social Security)

Pesquisa Industrial Anual (Portuguese: Annual Industrial Survey; Brazil)

Personal Injury Accident

Partnership in Action

Partnership Intermediary Agreement

Pittsburgh International Airport

Parachute Industry Association

Peoplesoft Internet Architecture

Peripheral Interface Adapter

Primary Interop Assembly

Pearson International Airport (Toronto, Canada)

Pie Is Awesome

Personal Investment Authority

Pioneer Investments Austria

Paid In Advance

Prison Industry Authority (California)

Parole in Absentia

Pass It Along (Sparta, NJ)

Puntland Intelligence Agency (Somalia)

Personal Insolvency Agreement (debt management)

Procurement Integrity Act

Planned Incremental Availability

Property Industry Alliance

Payment In Advance

Post Indictment Arraignment (legal proceeding)

Preinstallation Acceptance (US NASA)

Primary Immunodeficiency Association

Philadelphia International Advisors (Philadelphia, PA)

Proprietary Information Agreement

Parlamento Indígena de América (Spanish: Indigenous Parliament of America; Bolivia)

Pure Internet Architecture (PeopleSoft)

Participatory Impact Assessment

Plastics Institute of America

Porcine Intestinal Adenomatosis

Proxy Interceptor Agent

Plant Inspection Assistant

Progressive Indirect Attack

Products in Action

Professional Inventors Alliance

Public Interest Advocate (various organizations)

Public Information Agency

Process Improvement Associates (training and management consulting company)

Priority Inversion Avoidance

Peoria, IL, USA - Greater Peoria Airport (Airport Code)

Pre-Incorporation Agreement (contracts)

Programmable Interface Adapter

Parent Interviews for Autism

Project Initiation Agreement

Particulate Impact Analyzer

Photometers for Imaging the Aurora (Astrid-2 spacecraft)

Program Independent Assessment

Protein Interaction Analysis

Propagation and Infection Analysis

Preliminary Interdependency Analysis (Integrated Risk Reduction of Information-Based Infrastructure Systems; EU)

Propellant Isolation Assembly

Programme Implementation Agency (India)

Public Information Advisor

Part in Assembly

Program Initiation Agreement

Product Implementation Architecture

Power Injected Amplifier (structured home wiring for cable TV, internet, & audio distribution)

Pyongyang International Airport

Post Instructional Activity (aka homework)

Peritonitis Index of Altona

Photon-counting Image Acquisition

Pre Infarct Angina

Power Interface Assembly

Program Initiation Authorization

Partial I/O (Input/Output) Activation (computer science)

Perfect Information Algorithm

Packet Immediate Assignment

Period of Insect Activity (entomology)