Today, Sunday، 29 Dec 2024 - 12:18

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: PGM




Pine Grove Mills (Pennsylvania)

Pagemaker (software)

Platinum Group Metal

Pragmatic General Multicast

Professional Golf Management (various schools)


Program Manager

Past Grand Master

Probabilistic Graphical Model (mathematics)

Planning and Growth Management

Platinum Group of Metals

Pacific Garden Mission

Portable Gray Map

Paternal Grandmother

Provincial Grand Master (Masons)

Precision Guided Munition


Pro Gamer

Policy Governance Model (various organizations)

Personal Genome Machine (DNA decoder)

Punta Gorda Middle (school; Florida)

Pi Gamma Mu (Social Sciences Honor Society; Winfield, KS)

Portable Grey Map

Première Guerre Mondiale (French: First World War)

Product Graphics Management (enterprise software)

Product Group Manager

Plant General Manager (various companies)

Precision Guided Missile

Poor Genetic Material (band)

Polisportiva Giardini Margherita (free info service arts culture and sports)

Processing Graph Method

Palmer Group Media, LLC (Boston, MA)

Plasma Gasification Melting Technology

Patrol Combatant Missile (Hydrofoil)

Pocket GPS Manager

Planning Guidance Memorandum

Past Grand Matriarch (IOOF)

Performance Generation Model (engineering)

Polynomial Generator Matrix

Pragmatic Group Multicasting

Physicians Group Management (Belleville, NJ)

Precision Ground Mapping (radar)

Profit Gross Margin

Program Guidance Memorandum

Pokémon Gem Mine (website)

Polynomial Generator Matrix/Matrices