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Search result from: PCM
Powertrain Control Module
Phase-Change Memory (non-volatile computer memory)
Principles of Clinical Medicine (various schools)
Pulse-Code Modulation
Pro Cycling Manager (software)
Per Calendar Month (accounting)
Process Control Module
Porsche Communication Management
Phase Change Materials (intelligent textiles and fabrics)
Punch(ed) Card Machine
Project Cycle Management
Primary Care Manager
Personal Computer Magazine
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Italia)
Protection Circuit Module
Power Control Module
Project and Construction Management (Canada)
Precision Guided Munitions
Professional Case Management (est. 1986)
Process Control Management
PC Magazine
Pub Cardinal Marunouchi (Japan)
Paracoccidioidomycosis (fungal infection)
Process Communication Model (Kahler Communications)
Project Control Manager
Product Content Management (retail)
Process Change Management (Sprint)
Please Call Me
Professional Construction Management
Professional Certified Marketer
Political Campaign Management (various universities)
Price-Cost Margin
Prosperity Capital Management (various locations)
Phase Contrast Microscopy
Process Control Monitor
Prospective Corps Members (National Youth Service)
Pre-College Math (various schools)
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia
Presidência do Conselho de Ministros (Portugal)
Procurement Contract Management
Program Committee Member
Programme Cycle Management (various organizations)
Percentage of Completion Method (accounting)
Polarizable Continuum Model (computational chemistry)
Phylogenetic Comparative Method
Partido Comunista Mexicano (Spanish: Mexican Communist Party)
Pre-College Mathematics (course)
PCM Solicitors LLP (law firm; London, England, UK)
Public Consultation Meeting (various organizations)
Physics, Chemistry, Math
Project Communications Management
Peripheral Control Module (military communications project)
Priority Call Management (Wilmington, MA)
Payments and Cash Management
Professional Conference Management (various organizations)
Physical Connection Management (FDDI)
Process Construction Maintenance
Personal Call Manager (telephones)
Plug-Compatible Manufacturer
Process Change Method (Software Engineering Institute method)
Plug Compatible Mainframe
Parallel Cache Management
Policy Compliance Management (software)
Patient Controlled Medication
Pipeline Current Mapper (Radiodetection Ltd.)
Personal Car Mileage (New York)
Personnel Contamination Monitor
Precision Craft Model
Plug-Compatible Machine
Prairie-City Monroe (school district in Jasper County, Iowa)
Power Converter Module
Package Command Manager (Microsoft SMS)
Probability of Correct Message
Party of Moldovan Communists
Project Contribution Margin
Pequot Capital Management (hedge fund)
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
PacketCable Multimedia (Worldgate)
Plutonium Contaminated Material
Professional Communications Management (various locations)
Product Catalogue Management
Protein Caloric Malnutrition
Practical Christian Ministry
Phase-Controlled Magnetron
Photo Contact Master
Pipeline Construction Manager
Pop Culture Madness (entertainment website)
Palisade Capital Management, LLC
Plug Compatible Module
Printer Cartridge Metrics
Parametric Cost Model
Pie Chart Master
Product Capacity Manager
Process Control Manual
Positive Control Material (nuclear weapons)
Pole Changing Motor
Personal Communication Magazine (IEEE)
Prework Communication Meeting (United Parcel Service)
Program Cost Management
Passive Countermeasure
Pixel Correspondence Metric (automated image processing)
Personal Computer Module
Programme Centre for Modernism
Program Configuration Manager
Pending Contractual Matter
Partition Control Master (Megasys)
Point Code Mapping
Port Controller Module (DSC)
Proposed Contract Modification
Pyrotechnic Countermeasure
Preservation and Collection Maintenance (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY)
Principle-Centered Management
Psuedo-Christian Moron
Precision Cassette Mechanism
Precast Cell Manufacturer
Pneumatic Camshaft Motor (control device)
Perfect Coverage Model
Program Coordination Meeting
Project Control Memorandum
Procurement Consultancy Manager
Production Cost Module
Production Control Module
Probability of Countermeasures
Protein Channel Model(ing)
Parish Communications Ministry
Parti Communiste de la Martinique (French: Martinique Communist Party)
Prescription Care Management
Pancake Mafia (band)
Poetry Combination Module (UK)
Porci Con le Mount (World of Warcraft guild)
Porsche Club Motorsport (French automobile club)