Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:36

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: PAL

Police Athletic League

Police Activities League (youth resource organization)

Philippine Airlines

Perspectives in American Literature (various schools)

Property and Land

Paladin (Everquest)

Phase Alternating Line

Peace and Love

Process Asset Library

Provide-a-Lunch (Hanover, PA)

Pan-American Life (life insurance; various locations)

Peace at Last

Poverty Action Lab

Programmable Array Logic

Participatory Action Learning (various organizations)

Phase Alternation Line (television format)

Performing Arts Library (various locations)

Performance Analysis of Logs (software)

Personal Audio Link (software)

Point and Laugh

Parents of Addicted Loved-Ones (various locations)

Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (medical manufacturing; various locations)

Pure and Applied Logic (various schools)

Paid Annual Leave (employment)

Pack a Lip

Passive Activity Loss

Public Authorities Law (New York)

Political Action League (various organizations)

Protuberance Air Load

Permissive Action Link

Preparation for Adult Living (program; various locations)

Parochial Athletic League (various locations)

Parents Are Listening

Public Ada Library

Piece of Application Logic (computer kernel)

Paradox Application Language

Progressive Addition Lens (seamless multifocal optical lens)

Parent/Professional Advocacy League (Massachusetts, USA)

Pohang Accelerator Laboratory

Prescription Access Litigation Project

Plantwide Applicability Limit (EPA New Source Review regulations)

Platform Abstraction Layer

Peninsula Athletic League (San Francisco Bay Area)

Planning Activity Level (airports)

Phone and Locator (communication device)

Platform Adaptation Layer (OS abstraction layer used to port the Microsoft Shared Source Implementation)

Possession and Acquisition License

Ports Association of Louisiana (Baton Rouge, LA)

Programming Assembly Language

Pressure Acid Leach

Positron Annihilation Lifetime

Parolee At Large (criminal justice)

Physics Abstraction Layer

Partner Access onLine (Cisco)


Palaic (linguistics)

Prior Authorization List (TriWest Healthcare Alliance)

Personal Access Link (online banking)

Perceptive Assistant That Learns (DARPA)

Provincial Airlines Limited

Pacific Area Lightering (shipping zone; California coast)

Pilot Activated Lighting

Pinch a Loaf Productions

Paducah and Louisville Railway

Public Affairs Level (US FEMA)

Provisionally Accredited Levee (US Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Parcel Air Lift

Purdue Airlink

Pan American Laboratories, Inc. (pharmaceutical company)

Picture Always Lousy

Process Automation Language

Parcel Airlift Service (USPS)

Program Asset Library (Lockheed Martin)

Process Assets Library

Palaeo Chart (energy exploration)

Phone Access Lookup (software to locate dial-up access telephone numbers)

Product Application Literature (Far West Technology)

Personnel Allowance List

Possession & Acquisition License (Canada firearms license)

Play and Literacy

Paid Absence Leave

Pre-Enrolled Access Lane

Polyvalente de l'Ancienne-Lorette (Quebec, Canada)

Porting & Abstraction Lab

People at Leisure (social group)

Photonic Air Link (fiber optics connectivity)


Peer ALliance (Toronto, Canada Chinese youth volunteer organisation)

Prescribed Action Link

Protection At Lightpath

Practice Area Leader

Purpose, Agenda, Limit

Personnel Airlock

Plan Account Line


Panzerabwehr Lenkwaffe (Anti Tank Missile)

Personal Assistant for Leisure Activities (Canada; disabled person recreation access)

Precise Account Locator

Price/Availability List

Process Architecture Lab

Publication Applicability List

Public Archaelogy Laboratory (Cultural Resources Identification)

Products Accepted List

Parts Accumulation List

Pool Allowance

Project Assignment Letter

Protected Alveolar Lavage

Preliminary Action Level

Purpose, Agenda, and Logistics

Procedure Abstraction Language

Permissible Alcohol Limit

Pathology Associates of Lexington, PA (West Columbia, SC)

Permanent Artificial Lighting

Placement Assistance List

Portable Accelerated Learning (New Reality Wellness Inc.)

Penetration Aid Launcher

Preliminary/Publications Allowance List

Pre-Affiliated List

Pre-Affiliation Lists

Pupil Admission Level (education; UK)