Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:02

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: PAI

Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor

Personal Accident Insurance

Population Action International

Piano Assetto Idrogeologico (Italian: Hydrogeological Plan)


P-Asserted Identity

Personality Assessment Inventory

Pathogenicity Island

Protection and Advocacy Inc.

Project AI (Microsoft Flight Simulator)

Private Attorney Involvement (Legal Services Corporation)

Performing Arts Institute (various locations)

Pre-Approval Inspection (FDA)

Patient Assessment Instrument

Public Authority for Industry (Kuwait)

Publicly Available Information (valuation)

Parti Africain de l’Indépendance (African Independence Party; Burkina Faso)

Price Alignment Interest (finance)

Public Awareness Initiative (media)

Polymorphic Alu Insertion


Palo Alto Investors (Palo Alto, CA)

Party for African Independence (Burkina Faso)

Process After Input

Precision Aviation, Inc. (various locations)

Primary Aircraft Inventory

Puppetry Arts Institute (Independence, MO)

Peninsula Art Institute (California)

Performance Appraisal Instrument (employment)

Personnel Asset Inventory

Pesticide Active Ingredient

Product Authentication International (UK)

Pre Accession Instrument (EU)

Public Administration Institution (Washington Business and Technology Institute)

Processed Apples Institute

Pathology Associates International (SAIC subsidiary)

Permit Authorizing Individual (National Fire Protection Association)

Positive Action, Inc. (Twin Falls, ID; education)

Performance Audit Inspection

Pure Active Ingredient (EPA)

Polizia dell'Africa Italiana (Italian African Police)

Panduit Authorized Installer

Pancreatitis Association International

Prescient Applied Intelligence (Park City, UT)

pubic arch interference

Pre-Arrival Instruction (emergency dispatch)

Physicians Advocacy Institute, Inc.

Programme d'Action Intégré (French: Integrated Action Program)

Physics Applications, Inc.

Pacific Achievement International

Principal Arterial-Interstate

Passengers Association of India

Poverty Alleviation Initiative

Payload Analytical Integration

Personal Appearance Inspection (USAF Academy)

Programme d’actions intégrées de recherche (Research Integrated Action Programmes)

Princeton AIDS Initiative (Princeton, NJ)

Product Acquisition and Installation

Pervasive Artificial Intelligence

Police Accident Investigator

Plan d'Action Incendie (French: Fire Action Plan)