Today, Monday، 23 Dec 2024 - 23:29

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: OS

Operating System

Open Source

Open Systems

On Schedule

Old Style

Old School

Online Services

One Side

Overall Survival


Off Screen (cinematography)

Outer Space

Out of Stock

Office of the Secretary


Office Support

Oxidative Stress

Ordnance Survey

Oregon State (also seen as OSU)

Omaha Steaks (meat company)

Old Style (or Old System; referring to Julian Calendars)

Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL newspaper)

Outsourcing Services

Output Status

Our Savior

Austrian Airlines (IATA airline code)

Operational Security

Old Stuff :-)

Ocean Springs (Mississippi)


Operations Support (various organizations)

Oliver Stone (director)



Orioles (Baltimore baseball team)

Old Spice (after shave brand)

Ocean Shores (Washington)


Overall Satisfaction


Owen Sound (City, Canada)

Operator Services (various agencies)

Off Stage


Ossetian (language identifier; RFC 3066)

On Scene

Over the Shoulder (cinematography)

Oversold (stock market)

Oxygen Sensor

Outlaw Star (action-anime)

Only Son

Os Giken (automotive racing parts manufacturer)

Observational Study

Orthopedic Surgeon

Over Speed

Operations Specialist (USN Rating)

Open Sockets (Diablo II gaming)


Optical Scanning

Oughtred Society (est. 1991; slide rule collectors)

Over Stock

Olympiska Spelen (Swedish: Olympic Games)

Oh Shoot (polite form)

Own Ship

Old Saxon


Outdoor Skills

Official Solicitor (UK)

Osijek, Croatia (license plate)


Organizational Support

Operserv (IRC Operator Server)

Onboard Software

Ocean Surveillance

Ordinary Seaman

Off Scene

Office of Security

Office Superintendent

Obsidian Sanctum (World of Warcraft)

Ordinary Seaman (Canadian naval rank)

Operations Squadron

Order Statistic

Orbital Station

Oculus Sinister (Latin: Left Eye)

Office of Systems

Oil Separator

Output Spy

Office of Sustainability

Operating Standard

Operating Statement

Ohr Somayach (school)

Opening Snap (mitral valve)

Offensive Support

Optical Sight

Ouvrier Spécialisé (French: semi-skilled worker)

Obiettivi Specifici

Open Skies treaty

Officer's Statement (performance evaluation)

Observation Squadron

Operational Suitability

Orthopterists' Society

Object Slice

Operating Strength

Organized Stalking

Optical Silicon (semiconductor chip components)

Over Shield (Halo video game)

Overtime Scheduled

Oblates of Wisdom

Operationalizing the Strategy

Ogawa Shigeo (Engines)

Otm Shank Jazz Quintet (band)

Organic Signal

Orienting Station (surveyed reference location for artillery position)

Ordnance Specification

Operational Superintendence (on overtime forms)

Old Silcoatian (Silcoates School, Wakefield, UK)