Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:44

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: NPC

Non-Player Character

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Publication Control

Nuclear Pore Complex

National People’s Congress (Chinese Legislature)

National Physique Committee

National Press Club

National Planning Commission (Nepal)

National Postgraduate Committee (UK)

Network and Parallel Computing (International Conference)

Neighborhood Parks Council

National Petroleum Council (An advisory committee to the U.S. Secretary of Energy)

National Panhellenic Conference

National Power Corporation (Philippines)

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

National Population Census (various nations)

National Polytechnic College (California)

Navy Personnel Command

Noise Pollution Control (Canada)

Nippon Precision Circuits (Japan)

National Power Company (various nations)

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (East Hanover, NJ)

National Packaging Covenant (Australia)

New Philanthropy Capital (think tank; UK)

National Prescribing Centre (UK)

New Pork City (gaming)

Nationalist People's Coalition (Philippines)

Non-Playable Characters (role playing games)

National Poverty Center (University of Michigan)

National Police Certificate (Australia)

National Policy Conference (various organizations)

National Peace Council (Sri Lanka)

Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C

National Productivity Council (India)

National Provincial Championship (New Zealand)

National Potato Council

Nunavut Planning Commission (Canada)

National Pensioners Convention (United Kingdom)

Nevada Power Company

Native Plant Community (classifications)

National Pipe Company (Saudi Arabia)

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse

Nutrition Panel Calculator (food standards; Australia and New Zealand)

National Pharmaceutical Council

National Productivity Corporation (Malaysia)

National Playwrights Conference (est. 1965)

Neural Progenitor Cell

Net Present Cost

Native Plant Center (various locations)

Nonplayer Character (gaming)

Northern People's Congress

Nile Petroleum Company (Malaysia)

Neutral-Point Clamped (converter)

National People's Coalition (Philippines)

National Pastors Convention

Network Parameter Control

North Presbyterian Church (La Crosse, WI)

Natural Progesterone Cream

Nonproliferation Center

Nauru Phosphate Corporation

Non-Playing Captain (bridge card game)

Notional Principal Contract

National Pay Commission (Bangladesh)

Near Point of Convergence

Naval Police Coxswain (Australia)

National Payment Card

Nutra Pharma Corporation (Coral Springs, FL)

Neighbourhood Police Centre (Singapore)

National Policy Committee (ANSI)

National Partnership Council

Non-Permanent Change (US Navy)

Necessary Path Condition (algorithm)

Nippon Paper Chemicals (Japan)

New Progressive Coalition

North Pacific Cable

National Presidential Caucus

National Protection Center

Nigerian Press Council (est. 1992)

National PetCare Centers (various locations)

National Policy Council (AARP)

Naval Photographic Center

Non Profit Commons (Second Life video game)

Nippon Precision Casting (Japan)

Nintendo Puzzle Collection

Normal Portland Cement

New Phillips Curve (data)

NATO Programming Centre

NATO Pipeline Committee

Nitrogen Purge Control (US NASA)

Normal Plane Change Maneuver (US NASA)

Negative Perspective Collage (fine art technique)

National Plasterer’s Council

Non-Deterministic Polynomial-Time Complete

Native POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) Connector (software)

Network Personal Computer

Nabtesco Power Control (Thailand)

Non-Productive Cough

Number Portability Clearinghouse (telecommunications)

National Philatelic Centre (Canada Post Corporation)

National Parks of Canada

Normalized Projection Coordinate (computer science)

Nurse Practitioner, Certified

No Patient Contact (medical)

National Prototype Center

Southwest Center for Natural Products Research and Commercialization

Niue Power Corporation (Niue Island, New Zealand)

Numerical Precision Control

National Petroleum Company PLC (Amman, Jordan)

North Point College (India)

NEXRAD Program Council

Non-Playing Computer (gaming)

NASA Policy Charter

Network Processing Circuit (AT&T)

National Payment Center

National Point Code

Navy Policy Council

NIMA Production Cell

Nonrecurring Production Costs

North Power Controller

Novel Power Control Scheme

Navy Procurement Circular

Network Provider Code

Nearest Person of Color

National Peanut Council

Neuropsychiatry Clerical Technician (US Navy)

Netpro Computing

Neuropsychiatry Clerical Procedure (US Navy)

North Pole Central (comic)

National Paddling Committee (American Canoe Association)

Neuro Physiological Conditioning

No Periodic Calibration

Non-Cooperative Power Control

New Paradigm Commerce, Inc

Nancy Poker Club (France)