Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:33

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: NCC

National Capital Commission (Ottawa)

National Community Church

National Cotton Council

National Council of Churches

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Class Code

National Cancer Center (Japan)

Nassau Community College

National Certified Counselor

New Castle County (Delaware)

National Construction Company (various locations)

National Cadet Corps (India)

North Carolina Collection

National Capital Chapter

National Competition Council (Australia)

Northamptonshire County Council (UK)

Newcastle City Council (UK)

North Central Conference (high school athletic conference)

National Coordinating Center

National Consumer Council (UK)

Northwest Christian College (now Northwest Christian University; Eugene, OR)

Net Carrying Capacity (measurement)

Northampton Community College (Bethlehem, PA)

National Computer Center (Philippines)

Norfolk County Council (UK)

Nature Conservancy of Canada

New Creation Church (Singapore)

Norwich City Council (UK)

North Central College (Naperville, Illinois)

Norwalk Community College

National Cycling Centre (UK)

National City Corporation

National Constitution Center (Philadelphia, PA)

National Catholic Church (various locations)

Neasden Control Centre (UK)

Nederlandse Caravan Club (Dutch: Dutch Caravan Club)

Network Control Center

Normandale Community College (Bloomington, MN)

Norwegian Consumer Council

Nagoya Congress Center (Japan)

Naphtha Cracking Center (petrochemicals; South Korea)

New Construction Company (various locations)

Non-Coronary Cusp (cardiology)

National Club Championship (various organizations)

National Chicken Council

National Constitutional Conference

Nederlandse Centrale Catalogus

National Campaign Committee (various locations)

Novell Customer Center

Neuro Critical Care (various locations)

National Coordination Committee

National Computer Conference

National Conference Committee

National Core Curriculum (various locations)

Nottingham County Council (UK)

Non Combatant Corps (WW II)

Nature Conservancy Council

Network Coordination Center

Nicholson Catholic College (Ontario, Canada)

National Codex Committee (food safety)

Nigerian Communication Commission

Nigeria Communications Commission

North Congregational Church (various locations)

Naval Component Commander (US DoD)

Normalized Cross Correlation

North Central Chapter (various organizations)

Neural Correlate of Consciousness

National Contingent Commander (various organizations)

National Counterterrorism Center (US government)

Northside Community Church (various locations)

Nashville Convention Center (Nashville, TN)

New Covenant Community (various locations)

Northampton County Community (Bethelem, PA)

National Consultative Committee

Natural Call Control

National Computing Center

National Communications Coordinator

National Cadet Corp (Singapore)

New Common Carrier

Niigata Computer College (Japan)

National Certificate in Computing (New Zealand)

National Conference on Communications (Indian Institutes of Technolgy)

Non-Competing Continuation (grants)

National Cattle Congress (Waterloo, Iowa)

National College of Chiropractic

Navy Component Command (US DoD)

Northern Clay Center

Nature Care College (Australia)

National Cadet Competition (Civil Air Patrol)

Naval Construction Contract (Star Trek)

National Center on Caregiving (Family Caregiver Alliance)

Northwest Communications Cooperative

National Chamber Choir (Ireland)

National Citizen's Coalition (Canadian lobby group)

Northern California Campus (Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; Mill Valley, CA)

Norwegian Coastal Current

National Climatic Center

National Croquet Center

National Climate Committee (Guyana)

National Cadet Corp

National Composites Centre (UK)

Network Communications Control

Non-Compete Clause

Network Cybernetics Corporation

Negligent Collateral Collapse (band)

Nagaragawa Convention Center (Japan)

National Clergy Council

National Controls Corporation (Philadelphia, PA unit of AMETEK, Inc)

Navy Command Center

Nondescripts Cricket Club (cricket club in Sri Lanka)

National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties

Naval Command College

Normal Corrective Combination (US NASA)

National Core Content (National Health Service; UK)

Nordic Connection Conference (trade show)

National Carbon Company

Northside Christian Church

National Control Center

National Command Center

Normally Closed Contact

New Century Cities (joint research project; Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Nova Craft Canoe (boating)

Nampa Civic Center (Nampa, ID)

Nikko Cordial Corporation (Japan)

North Carolina Conservative (newspaper)

National Certification Council

Northampton County Area Community College (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)

National Counterintelligence Center (USA)

NICMOS Cryo-Cooler

Negotiated Contract Cost

Niigata College of Nursing (Niigata, Japan)

Nordic Construction Company AB

National Cambridge Collectors, Inc.

National Combustor Code (NASA)

New Command Cruiser (Star Trek)

Neutron Coincidence Counter

Nippon Crown Cork (Japan)

National Christian Choir

Norton Control Center (Norton Utilities)

Nunawading Christian College (Australia)

Navigational Contact Code (Star Trek)

Nashville Cowboy Church

Novell Customer Connections

NORAD Control Center

National Command Capability

National Council of Chiefs

Non-Commercial Cover (forest industry)

Network Coordination Committee

Northland Car Club (Northland, New Zealand)

National Cooperators' Coalition

National Communications Contractors

Nominal Corrective Combination Maneuver

Nursing Constituency Council

Non Conformance Costs (quality management)

Non-Congestion Controlled

Network Dependent Call Connection Delay (ITU-T)

Nederlandse Corrosie Centrum (Nehterlands Corrosion Center)

NATO Codification Control

Navigation Control Console

Network Control Circuit

Net-Centric Checklist

New Construction Contractor

Newspaper Comics Council

Nippon Closures Company (Japan)

Nokia Communicator Club (forum)

Navy Cost Center

National Childrens Center, Inc. (Washington, DC)

National Council on Codependence

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) Command Center (US DoD)

Nordic Council for Competition Climbing

No Cross Correlation

Neighbourhoods and Community Care (UK)

Net Coordination Center (Managed Network Services)

Network Capability Customization

Nature Coast Coalition

Non-Conforming Calls

National Counternarcotics Center

National Catastrophe Coordinator

Normalized Capacity Curve

Non-Contracting Cooperating Party (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna)

Noncancellable Commitment