Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:42

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: MR

Market Research

Medical Records

Maximum Ride (book series)

Management Review

Maintenance Repair

Motivation(al) Research

Mister (title of address)

Mutual Recognition (drug approval by local authorities, referring to other EU country approval)


Matrix Reloaded

Message Received



Member Resources

Magnetic Resonance

Mentally Retarded

Maintenance Release

Macro (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)

Marginal Revenue (economics)

Major Repair

Mental Retardation

Mixed Reality

Metabolic Rate

Moonraker (James Bond film)

Multi Role

Manufacturer's Representative

Management Representative

Monster Rancher (game)


Master of the Rolls

Maintenance Request

Modified Release (pharmaceutics)

Midland Railway (UK)

Maintenance Responsibility

Manual Review (US Air Force)

Matchbook Romance (band)

Medical Representative (pharmaceutical sales)

Medium Resolution

Mitral Regurgitation (heart)

Mens Rea (criminal law)

Meet Record (sports)

Maurice Ravel (classical composer)

Model Railroader

Menschenrechte (German: Human Rights)

Master Reset

Mahinda Rajapaksa (president of Sri Lanka)

Main Ring

Moon Rise

Myocardial Revascularization (heart)

Merge Request (coding)

Materials Request

Michael Redd (NBA Player)

Moose River

Mouvement Réformateur (Belgian political party)

Mixture Ratio

Modification Request

Mathematical Reviews (journal)

Mach Rider (gaming)

Memory Recall (calculator button)

Mid-Engine Rear-Wheel Drive

Milano Red (Honda paint color)

Material Review (engineering)

Main Rotor

Magnetorheological (sometimes written as Magneto-Rheological)

Minimal Residual

Middle Reliever (baseball)


Matrix Reasoning (intelligence testing)

Mineralocorticoid Receptor

Measles-Rubella (vaccine)

Monica Reyes (X-Files character)

Military Region

Miscellaneous Receipts

Midship Runabout (Toyota)

Mitsubishi Racing (car model)

Mitochondria-Rich (cells)

Machine Record

Memory Resident

Milk Replacer

Mobile Router

Maintenance Requirement

Management Reserve

Marine Recon

Mercury Redstone

McCloud River (railroad)

Maritime Reconnaissance

Minnesota Review (journal)

Magic Resistance

Monitor Room

Molecular Replacement

Memorandum for Record

Missile Radar

Molecular Response

Marginal Return

Air Mauritanie(Mauritania, IATA airline code)

Maintenance Review

Moving Range (of observations)

Modified Read

Mind Rape


Modem Ready

Michael Rabin (classical violinist)

Mobile Route (postal)

Market Representative

Mars Relay (NASA)

Matsuura Railway (Japan)

Material Requisition

Mishap Report


Militaires du Rang (Canada)

Manufacturing Release

Mobile Receiver

Machinery Repairman (USN Rating)

Malfunction Report

Mobile Relay (repeater)

Materiel Release

Mean Rabbit

Material Regulation

Mould Room

Medium Rigid (vehicle license class)

Mode Request

Magnetic Roller

Movimiento Reformador (Guatemala political party)

Monopulse Radar

Main Reflector

Munitions Rule

Magical Relax (Suzuki wagon)

Microwave R

Moonlight Resonance (television)

Maintenance Ratio

Missile Round

Mail and Records

Mis-Recognized (word)

Modem Relay

Mouse Rug

Micro Resources, Inc.

Mouvement Rodriguais (French: Rodrigues Movement, Mauritius)

Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Montreal Racing

War Tax Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)

Mission Rainbow

Mafia Returns (online game)

Multiply Register (IBM)


Medium Rate Data (observations taken once per second)

Molasses Residuum

MacRepublic (website)

Magnetiese Resonansie-Skandering

Modification/Material Request