Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:54

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: MSM

Men who have Sex with Men (health/medical)

Mainstream Media

Master of Science in Management (academic degree)


My Singing Monsters (gaming)

Master of Strategic Management (various schools)

Mobile Station Modem (Qualcomm)

Medical Science Monitor (journal)

Muscat Securities Market (Oman)

Mario Sports Mix (gaming)

Morehouse School of Medicine

Manhattan School of Music

Mercator School of Management (Germany)

Magnetic Shape Memory (physics)

Merchandising, Sales and Marketing

Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing (Japan)

Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (photodetector)

Mobile Suit (Marine; Gundam gaming)

Meritorious Service Medal

Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (conference)

Miami Sound Machine (band)

MegaRAID Storage Management (various companies)

Middle School Matters (education)

Mobile Software Management

Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (Statistics Canada)

Morning Star Music

Men Seeking Men

Multi-Site Management (software)

Mechanically Separated Meat

Militant Socialist Movement (Mauritius)

Merit School of Music (Chicago, IL)

Married Single Mom

Masters of Science in Management

Minnesota Science Museum (St. Paul, MN)

Missouri School of Mines

Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre

Multilayer Switch Module (Cisco)

Microsoft Solutions for Management

Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. (Canada)

MSM Security Services Inc.

My Sainted Mother

Marine Safety Manual

Memory Seat Module (General Motors)

Master of Science in Marketing

Miami Science Museum

Mid-State Machine (various companies)

Minimal Standard Model

Multi-Layer Stream Mapping

Multiservice Module (Anymedia)

Microwave Switch Matrix (satellites)

Management Switch Fabric Module (Extreme Networks)

master-slave manipulator

Morning Star Mine (Mojave National Preserve)

Mass Storage Module (IBM)

Manned Support Module (US NASA)

Mobile SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and Maintenance

Marché Suisse des Machines

Multiple Subcarrier Modulation

Minesweeper, River


Mazda Speed Miata

Message Stream Modification

Methodist Student Movement

Military Service Medal

Mission Space Model

Management/Switching Module

Madras and Southern Maratha (railroad)

Mode Select Mechanism

Mahavir Spinning Mills Ltd

Multiple Space-Mapping

Mid-Span Meet

Master of Security Management

Mount Saint Mary's College and Seminary

Mount Saint Mary's School (Delhi, India)

Mission Services Manager

Marketing Strategies Management

Major System Mode

Mid-Systolic Murmur

Move & Store Material

Movimiento de los Sin Miedo (Bolivia, Movement Without Fear)

Motion Sensor Monitor

Maintenance Support Material

Matrix Switch Module

Master in Services Management

Minimum Science Mission

Munition Service Magazine

Muscle Stangs of Miami (automobile club; Florida)

Master Structure Management

Maritime Safety Management

Maktab Sains Mara

McAfee System Management

Maintenance Service Module

Multiple Session Menu

Marketing and Solutions Management (Sabre Airline Solutions; Southlake, TX)