Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 05:21

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: MP

Madhya Pradesh (state in India)

Member of Parliament

Mega Pixel (digital cameras)

Military Police

Member of Parliament (also seen as MoP)

Media Player

Multi Purpose

Minutes Played (basketball)

Northern Mariana Islands (US postal abbreviation)

Man Power

Multi-Purpose (military ammunition: incorporating elements of fragmentation, incendiary, high explosive, and armor piercing; aka Raufoss type)

Motion Picture


Mauritius (Including Chagosis & Rodriquezis)

Market Place

Metropolitan Police

Master Plan

Multi-Player (gaming)

Mouse Pad

Management Plan

Monthly Payment

Monetary Policy


Massage Parlor

Matches Played (soccer statistics)

Ministério Público (Brazil)

Manufacturer Part

Mass Production

Ministerio Público (Spanish)

Mount Pleasant (various locations)

Melting Point

Maximum Power

Monty Python

Max Payne (video game)

Mammalian Phenotype

Machu Picchu

Mexican Peso (currency)

Metal Products (various locations)

Meeting Point

Missouri Pacific (railroad)

Mathematics and Physics (various universities)

Massively Parallel

Music Producer


Medical Physics

Messenger Plus!

Mario Party (video game)

Major Project

Mazda Protege (automobile)

Missing Person

Muscle Pharm

Maximum Parsimony

Medida Provisória (Brazil)

Maschinenpistole (German: Machine Pistol)


My Pleasure

Melrose Place (TV show)

Man Portable

Matthew Perry (actor)

Manhattan Project

Main Processor

Maintenance Plan

Mechanical Pencil

Maritime Patrol

Machine Pistol

Main Program

Multimedia Projector (various locations)

Metroid Prime (video game)

Major Program

Monitoring Plan

Moneypenny (Jane Moneypenny, fictional James Bond character)


Motor Pool

Main Process

Markov Process

Metroid Prime (game)

Measurement Point


Master Plumber

Manpower and Personnel


Medium Pressure

Marcy Playground (band)


Metal Particle (recording technology)


Miljöpartiet de Gröna (Swedish political party)

Manifold Pressure

Measuring Point

Master Practitioner

Matching Pursuit (algorithm)

Multilink Protocol

Main Propulsion


Mission Planner (US Air Force)

Ministerpräsident (German: Prime Minister)


Maintenance Point

Multiple Path

Money Purchase (type of qualified retirement plan)

Mario Party (game)

Moot Point

Magnetic Pressure

Maintenance Procedure

Meat Puppets (rock band)

Mass Properties (space electronics)

Magic Points (gaming)

Message Protocol

Mass Party (Thailand)

Marapets (online game)


Manufacturing Procedure

Master Points (bridge card game)

Mario Paint (video game)

Maurizio Pollini (classical pianist)

Mitsubishi Plastics (Japanese chemical company)

Monitoring Point

Management Partner

Mike Portnoy (drummer for the band Dream Theater)

Melphalan-Prednisone (chemotherapy)

Monterey Peninsula (Central California)

Mr Pibb (soft drink)

Multiple Personality

Multicast Protocol

Mail Protocol

Master Pattern

Message Personnel (French: Personal Message)

Maintenance Pilot (US Army)

Mission Pack (gaming)

marginal profit

Metacarpophalangeal (joint)

Moscow Patriarchate

Metering Pump



Modus Ponens

Middle Point

Medical Progress

Madhubani Painting (artwork; India)

Maintenance Pack (software maintenance)

Macross Plus (anime movie)

Minimum Phase

Master Processor

Multipartite (virus scanners)

Morning Prayer

Mezzo - Piano (Music, Moderately Soft)

Merit Promotion

Modplug (music software)

Mana Points (role playing games)

Mental Pain

Mouvement Populaire (French: Popular Movement)

Military Program (USACE)

Message Processor

Maintenance Processor

Malvern Preparatory School (Pennsylvania)

Merpati Putih (Indonesian martial art)

Mission Profile

Minuteman Project

Mission President (LDS Church)


Meridian Park (Elementary School; Shoreline School District)

Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol

Maintenance Partition (Cisco)

Modernization Plan

Middle Persian (linguistics)

Mietpreis (German: rental price/rate)

Module Processor

Moeller-Plesset (perturbation theory - quantum chemistry)

Mysterious Person (movies/comics)

Multipoint Processor

Murray Perahia (classical pianist)

Mobilization Plan


Maintenance Provider (various organizations)

Mission Pilot

Millet Partisi

Mr. Pickle's (sandwich shop)

Merry Part (Pagan farewell)

Message Parser

Monkey Productions (gaming site)

Mycoplasmal Pneumonia (swine mycoplasmosis)

Motor Potential

Matric Potential

Millat Party (Pakistan)

Manu Propria (Latin: Signed by His Own Hand)

Minnesota Poll

Mind Points (gaming)

Manufacturing-Use Product (EPA)

Mispunch (Orienteering)

Modulation Parameter

Meson Physics

Merit Party (armed wing of the ANC; South Africa)

Miles Prower (video game character)

Mini Process

Mishap Pilot

Mission Processor

Modified Permit

Magnified Plaid (band)

Milieuprogramma (Dutch: environment program)

Maniacal Plan (New York, NY band)

Miscellaneous Processing