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Search result from: MIP
Maximum Intensity Projection
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein (immunology)
Mortgage Insurance Premium
Minor In Possession
Mixed Integer Programming
Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Spanish: Integrated Pest Management)
Monthly Income Plan
Multimedia Information Processing (course; various locations)
Managers in Partnership (trade union; UK)
Managing Intellectual Property (monthly magazine)
Mapping Information Platform (US FEMA)
Medical Insurance Plan (various organizations)
Major Intrinsic Protein
Most Improved Player
Minimally Invasive Procedure (surgery)
Miami, Florida (border patrol sector)
Moon Impact Probe
Management Incentive Plan
Malaria in Pregnancy
Meinl International Power (Austria)
Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (various schools)
Membrane Interface Probe
Medicaid Integrity Program (US DHHS)
Mint In Package
Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (measure of respiratory muscle strength)
Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova (Serbia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Monthly Investment Plan
Mobile Internet Protocol (IETF)
Most Innovative Products
Male Iron Pipe
Microwave Induced Plasma
Movimiento Indígena Pachakuti (Bolivia, Pachakuti Indigenous Movement)
Military Intelligence Program (US DoD)
Management Improvement Project (various organizations)
Master Inservice Plan (Florida)
Management Information Project (various locations)
Micro Information Products (software)
Multi-Annual Indicative Programme
Most Important Player
Most Important Person
Mastercard Interface Processor (global payments network)
Mobility Impaired Person
Multilateral Interoperability Program
Multichannel Interface Processor (Cisco)
Mold in Place
Managing the Influence Process (US NASA)
Main Instrument Panel
Migration Plan
Meet in Person
Medial Intraparietal
Major Individual Project (various organizations)
Managed Inventory Program (software)
Multum in Parvum (Latin: many in one)
Maintenance Index Page
Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis (Westford, MA, USA)
Marine Insurance Policy
Microprocessor Interface Program
Maintenance Interaction Procedure
Multimission Interactive Picture
Management Inspection Process
Mission Integration Panel (US NASA)
Minimum Ionising Particle
Masculine Identity & Power (workshop)
Mandatory Inspection Point
Medium Interface Point (ITS)
Mirror-Image Polydactyly
Multipath Intensity Profile
Metal Ion Passivation (nuclear power)
Mission Integration Plan
Model Installation Program
Magnetic Induced Polarization
Military Initiative Program (VFW)
Minor Sync Point (ITU-T)
Made in Portugal
Mentally Ill Person
Maximal Implantation Potential (in-vitro fertilization)
Multim In Parvum
Molecular Imprint Polymer
Management Implementation Plan
Maximum Incidental Pressure
Med-I-Pant, Inc. (healthcare products company)
Maryland Industrial Partnerships
Machine-Independent Part
Maximum Information Principle
Maintenance In Progress
Material in Process
Mortgage in Possession
Monitoring Implementation Plan
Member Intake Process
Machine Interface Processor
Minimum Incremental Power
Marketing Information Packet (Sprint)
Manufacturing and Inspection Plan
Mapped Internet Protocol (virtual IP address used with Citrix Access Gateways)
Materiel Improvement Project
Modernization Investment Plan
Molecular Ionization Potential
Master Intelligence Plan
Member Intake Program
Mallory Institute of Pathology
Minimal Improvement Path
Minimum Ionization Peak
Mobility/Mobilization Improvement Program
Model Improvement Plan/Program
Mapped IP (Internet Protocol) Address (computing)
Material Index Page
Material/Military Improvement Plan/Program
Measure and Improve Performance
Mission Interface Processor
Mitzpe Ramon, Israel - Domestic Airfield (airport code)
minor impact program
Mount Indicator Panel
Measurement Index Performance
Management/Master Information Paper
Management/Modest Improvement Program
Main Line Pipeline