Today, Monday، 23 Dec 2024 - 23:16

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: MI

Mortgage Insurance

Michigan (US postal abbreviation)


More Info

Music Industry

Mil' (Soviet helicopter designer)

Mission Impossible

Middle Initial

Monkey Island (game)

Military Intelligence


Mercer Island (Washington)

Merritt Island (Florida)

Mariana Islands

Misiones (Argentina province, airline code)

Miscellaneous (work) Item

Market Index

Major Issue

Marine Institute

Market Intelligence

Making It

Management Information

Monsters, Inc. (movie)

Motivational Interviewing (counseling/clinical psychology)

Mentally Ill

Shallow (METAR descriptor)

Marine Insurance

Mutual Information

Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)

Multiple Intelligences

Manhattan Institute

Methylisothiazolinone (preservative)

Mare Island (California)

Mathematical Institute (various locations)

Mathematical Induction

Mineral Insulated

Medical Inspection

Management Interface

Milken Institute

Master Instructor

Minority Institutions

Malleable Iron

Marginal Income

Microscopic Imager

MouseInfo (Disney)

Medicare Interactive (health care rights information)

Minority Interest (accounting)

Material Inspection

Movement Instructions (US DoD)

Machine Intelligence

Message Indicator

Millennium Institute

Master Interface (US Army)

Medical Instrumentation


Minister of Information

Multiple Inheritance (objected oriented programming)

Mobile Infrastructure

Milano - Milan (Lombardia, Italy)

Model Identification

Microsatellite Instability

Model Integration

Malaysian Idol (TV series)

Mijns Inziens (Dutch)

Manual Input

Machine Independent

Maintenance Item

Misión Internacional (Guatemala, license plates)

Medically Indigent

Metropolitan Institute

Mechanical Inspection

Memphis Industries (record label)

Mobility Impairment

Middle Infielder (baseball; 2nd baseman or shortstop)

Mobile Infantry (Starship Troopers)

Maritime Interdiction

Measurement Interval

Medical Investigator

Main Injector

Minor Irrigation (India)

Mode Indicator

Meat Inspector

Mobility International, Inc (Bridgeport, MI)

Marine Inspection (US Coast Guard)

Master Instruction (computer instruction set)

Mission Impact

Management Indicator

Marching Illini

Modular Instruments (National Instruments)

Manpower Information

Malteser International (Malta)

Mark Industries

Market Investigation

Multibus Interface

Mellon Institute (building at Carnegie Mellon University)

Monumental Inscription (burial grounds)

Militia Immaculatae (Militia of the Immiculata)

Master Innholder (UK)

Mitral Incompetence (medical)

Millennia Institute (Singapore)

Molar to Incisor (teeth)

Marine Instructor

Multiple Instruction Stream

Modification Instruction

Metal Illumination

Manufacturing Instruction

Migrante International (activist group)

Mechanical Investing

Media Immersion

Michel Catalog (philatelic catalog)


Manufacturing Inspector

Math Investigation (education)

Mica Insulated

Metamerism Index

Membership Interview

Marginal Inscription (philately)

Morse-Ingersoll (Beloit College Hall)

Missed Intercept (combat aviation)

Multiple-Instruction-Stream Computer

Missile Item

Mafic Index (geology)