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Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 09:12
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Search result from: LC
Liquid Crystal
Library of Congress (US)
Liquid Chromatography
Lake City (ammunition headstamp)
Least Concern (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category)
Saint Lucia (ISO country code, top level domain)
Local Call
Low Cost
Lower Case
Lactation Consultant
Letter of Credit
Learning Center
Louisiana College (Pineville, Louisiana)
Lauren Conrad (actress)
Lynchburg College (Virginia)
Line Card
Lethal Concentration
Land Cover
Lions Club
Legion of Christ (Roman Catholic religious institute)
Low Carb (low carbohydrate diet)
Liberty City (gaming, Grand Theft Auto)
Launch Complex
Lewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey, IL)
Local Currency
Laptop Computer
Low-Carbohydrate (diet)
Las Cruces (New Mexico town)
Local Committee
Lincoln County
Learning Communities (various universities)
Lucky Charms
League Cup (UK football tournament)
Local Control
Language Code
Level Control
Low Class
Left Click
Low Carbon
Low Confidence
Life Coach
Logistics Center
Library Council
Low Compression
Limited Company
La Canada (California)
Luther College (Dechorah, Iowa)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Liver Cirrhosis
Lieutenant Colonel
Leakage Current
Locus Coeruleus
Link Connection
Lacrosse Club (various locations)
Love Connection (TV show)
Launch Countdown (US NASA)
Left Center (Stage)
Line Conditioner
Label Code (IFPI)
Labour Court
Los Cabos (Mexico)
Linfield College (Oregon)
Lesser Curvature (stomach)
Least Common
Long Colt
Landing Craft
Linux Computer
Little Child (Beatles song)
Line Control
Love Canal
Letter Carrier (Canada Post)
Lower Class
Lacuna Coil (band)
Lord Chancellor
Listening Comprehension
Logan County
Lymphocytic Colitis (medical disorder)
Littoral Combat (US Navy)
Lance Corporal
Library Computer
Level Crossing (UK Ordnance survey map)
Lecco, Lombardia (Italian province)
Land Contract
Legendary Classic (motorcycle)
Linear Control
Line of Contact
Lighting Certified
Line Circuit
Lotus Connector
Leadership Challenge
Logical Connection
Local Channel
Lawrence Central (High School)
Learning Collaborative
Limited Capability
Lower Canada
Local Coordinator
Line Cost
Logic Colloquium
Line Charge
Leningrad Cowboys (Finnish band)
Light Case
Leslie Consulting (New Mexico)
Load Constant (NIOSH)
Logistics Command
Letters and Cards (US Postal Service)
Lung Center
Lucent Connector (fiber optic connector with a 1.25mm ferrule)
Low Coupling
Letter Contract
Linear Coefficient
Leaky Cauldron (Harry Potter fan site)
Logistics Coordinator
Loud & Clear (logging abbreviation)
Lansdale Catholic (Pennsylvania)
Large Crown (philatelic watermark; British)
Listchecker (application)
Launch Critical (US NASA)
Lake Cowichan (British Columbia, Canada)
Inductor-Capacitor circuit (L is the symbol for inductance)
Lorentz Contraction (aka time dilation)
Lipa City (Batangas, Philippines)
Licensed Companion
Liquid Concentration
Loco Citato (Latin)
Locked Closed
Legal Consolidation
Legionnaires of Christ (religious order)
Loopback Capability (ATM)
Leafcull (gaming, Asheron's Call)
Latvia's Way Union
Lead Count
Lane Controller
Lethal Commandos (online gaming)
Lawncrest (Philadelphia neighborhood)
Limited Certification
Loopback Circuit (HSSI)
Laboratory Counsel
Late Counter
Little Connector (fiber optics)
Large Custom Built
Lodge Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
Lancaster and Chester Railway Company
Laboratory Ceiling
Lymphocytic Cholangitis
Lampert Connector (fiber optics)
Launch Cancellation
Linked Characteristic
Largest Comb (poultry science)
L. Ron Hubbard Communicator (Church of Scientology)
Labor Capture
Launcher Console
Logic/Logical Channel
Lacking Component
Lepidoptera of Caucasus Region
Limited Configuration/Coordinating
Lattice Computing
Liscomb Complex