Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 07:08

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IOT

Institute of Technology (various locations)

In Order To

Institute of Transportation (Taiwan)

Index-Organized Table

Interoperability Testing

British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO 3-letter country code)

Indiana Office of Technology

Initial Operational Test

It's Only Temporary

Institute for Ocean Technology (Canada)

Inductive Output Tube

In-Orbit Test

Illuminates of Thanateros

Inter-Operator Tariff (GSM Roaming)

Independent Operational Test

Initial Officer Training (UK Royal Air Force)

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Interactive Occupational Training (Westminster, CO)

Instrument Operations Team

Ingeniørhøjskolen Odense Teknikum (Danish: Odense University College of Engineering)

Iothalamate (radiopaque agent)

Indirectly Occupied Time (resource planning)

Image Output Terminal

International Office Technologies (Eagan, MN)

Institut für Organisations- und Technikgestaltung GmbH (German: Institute for organisational and technological design; Gelsenkrichen, Germany)

Interoffice Trunk

Intraocular Tension

Input/Output Test

I Only Thought

Inter-Organizational Transfer

Interoperability Training

Institut für Oberflächentechnik der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (German: Institute for Surface Engineering at the University of Applied Science Zittau/Goerlitz)

Information Operations Technology

Injectable Opioid Treatment (drug treatment)

In-Out-Through (MIDI computer protocol)

Investors of Tomorrow

Integrated Operator Trainer

Issue Organizing Teams (Progressive Democrats of America)

Interoffice Transfer

Intensive Outreach Team

Integrated Office Technology Plc (UK)

Indian Oiltanking Limited (Mumbai, India)

Immature Ovarian Teratoma

Integrated Order Taker

Intubacion Oro Traqueal (Spanish: Oral-Tracheal Intubation)