Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 21:56

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Search result from: IMP

Internet Messaging Program


Impedance (Morse Code abbreviation)


International Marketing Plan (various organizations)

International Masters Publishers

International Music Publications (publisher; UK)

Information Management Programme (various organizations)

Impasse (French: Dead End; Canada Post street designation)

Interface Message Processor (ARPANET)


Imperator (Latin: Emperor)

Image Product

Interactive Mathematics Program

Information on Medicinal Products

Intake Manifold Pressure (sensor; automobiles)

Integrated Maritime Policy (EU)

Inosine 5'-Monophosphate


Integrity Management Program (various organizations)

Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo

Insulated Metal Panel

Isle of Man Pound (ISO currency code)

Imager for Mars Pathfinder

Institut Médico-Pédagogique (French: Medical-Pedagogical Institute)

Integrated Master Plan

Integrated Marketing Plan

Institute for Metal Physics (Ukraine)

Investigational Medicinal Product (European Union)

Industrial Master Plan (various locations)

Infrastructure Management Program (various organizations)


Information Impacts (magazine)

Interplanetary Monitoring Platform

Interplanetary Monitoring Platform (Explorer satellites)

Instrumental Music Program (various organizations)

Ideal Medical Products (Broseley, MO)

Imperforate (philately)

Institute of Medical Psychology (University of Munich; Germany)


Integrated Management Plan


Institutional Master Plan

Interactive Media Player (various organizations)

Intelligent Multimedia Processing (various locations)

International Marketing and Purchasing (Group)

Indiana Michigan Power (utility)

It's My Pleasure (Internet slang)

Incident Management Plan

International Meeting Planners (Texas)

Integrated Marketing Portal (New York, NY)

Institut für Medizinische Psychologie (Institute of Medical Psychology, LMU Germany)

Israel Military Products

Inventory Management Plan


Institute of Medical Physics (Erlangen, Germany)

International Match Points (bridge game)

Invisible Mic Preamp

Information Management Plan

International Museum of Photography

Intrinsic Membrane Protein

Institute of Materials Processing (Michigan)

Information Management Practices

Imperatriz, Maranhao, Brazil (Airport Code)

InterMedium Publishers (Netherlands)

Internet Message Processor (less common)

Ill Mannered Playas (rap group)

Integrated Mediterranean Programme

Ionized Metal Plasma

Institute of Microwaves and Photonics

Intelligent Mark Positioning (Virtek Company)

Input Message Processor

International Moron Patrol (internet flash-cartoon series)

Integrated Monitor Panel

Independent Members of Parliament Caucus (Republika Srpska)

Institute of Molecular Physics (Moscow, Russia)

Implementation and Monitoring Plan

Instructional Management Plan

Implementation Management Plan

Integrated Mail Processor

Instructional Media Package

Installation Master Plan

Industrial Mobilization Plan

Input Message Processing

Inter-Modulation Product

Individual Meal Package

Intelligent Processing of Materials

Interface Management Plan

Interline Message Procedure

Input Method Profiler (Microsoft)

Internet Modem Protocol

Item Management Plan

Invited Medical Personnel

Intelligent Machine Post

Inbound Message Processor

In-service Management Panel

Improved Maintenance Plan/Program

Infrastructure Modernization Plan

Intelligence Message Processor

Initial Military Program

Initial Modeling Step

Infantry Mortar Plan

Integrated Modernization Period

Integrated Maintenance Procedure

Interoperability/Integrated Management Plan

Intermodule Packet

Injected Metal Products (component assemblies produced using a die casting technique)

In-Mould Painting (injection molding of pastic parts)

ICF Media Platform

Incubadora de Microempresas Productivas (Bolivia microfinance)