Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:24

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IM

Important Message

Instant Messenger

Instant Message

Information Management

Image (mathematics)

International Master (chess)

Internal Medicine (journal)

Iron Man

Internet Multimedia

Internet Marketing (various companies)

Identity Management (information security)

Iron Maiden (band)

Instruction Manual

Isle of Man

Infected Mushroom (band)

Individual Medley (swimming)

International Marketing

IMAC (Apple Computer)

Intake Manifold (automotive)

Instrumental Music

Installation Manual

Institute of Management

Ingram Micro (various locations)

Instrumentation and Measurement

Income Maintenance


Imola (Emilia Romagna, Italy)

Infrastructure Manager (software)


Ice Maker

Institute of Medicine (federal health advisory group)

Industrial Manufacturing

Imatinib Mesylate (oncology)

Injection Molding (plastics)

Interface Module

Installation & Maintenance

Information Model

Indian Mujahideen (India)

Impossible Mission

Implementation Manager (various companies)

Índice de Miseria (Spanish: Misery Index; economics)

Incoming Message

Infamous Mobb (band)

Installation Manager (IBM)

Incredible Miracle (gaming clan)

Integration Manager

Infectious Mononucleosis


Investment Memorandum

Indian Meridian (Oklahoma)

Interactive Metronome (developmental aid)

Inventory Manager

Initial Margin (investing)

Instruction Memorandum (US DOI)

Information Memory

Individual Membership

Index Medicus

Individuell Manniskohjalp (Swedish aid organization; est. 1938)

Intermodulation Distortion

Instrument Module

Interim Measure

Intermediate Moisture (rations)

Institutional Methodology (student financial aid)

Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter (Political Police Informer, GDR)

Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (German: Unofficial Collaborator)

Inherent Moisture (coal quality indicator)

Integration Management

Intestinal Metaplasia (gastroenterology)

Institutional Management

Indianapolis Monthly (magazine)

Immaculate Machine (band)

Instituto de La Mujer (Spanish: Institute for Women; Spain)

Imperia, Liguria (Italian province)

Insensitive Munitions

Integrated Network Management

Integrity Monitoring

Intensity Modulation

Intermediate Maintenance

Inspection Manual

Interface Manager

Innovaciones Médicas (Spanish: Medical Innovations)

Implementation Model

Interstate Maintenance

Information Memorandums

Interceptor Missile

Incident Meteorologist (various organizations)

Inserto Metálico (Spanish: Metal Insert)

Inside Macintosh

Interest Management

Item Master (inventory)

IP-based Multimedia

Internet Medicine (journal)

Interaction Manager

Inner Marker (aviation; part of instrument landing system)

Instrument Manager

Investigators Meeting (various organizations; clinical medical research)

Insuficiencia Mitral (Spanish: Mitral Insufficiency)

Indus Music

Instrumentman (USN Rating)

Impulse Modulation

Independence Medal (Papua New Guinea)

Ideas in Movement (San Marino)

Interface Multiplexer

Ingot Metallurgy

Iterative Matching

Interrupt Modulation

Injection Margin

Infant Mystics (Mystic Mardi Gras society; Mobile, Alabama)

Impression Motivation

Implementation Memo

Intelligence Memoranda (NIMA)

Index Meducus

Interconnect Monitor

Ionospheric Mapper

Intermediate Level Maintainer

Impact Memorandum

Impurity Stimulation

Item Management/Manager