Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 22:37

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IGA


Immunoglobulin A (antibody)

Intergovernmental Agreement

Independent Glass Association

Interactive Gambling Act (est. 2001)

International Glaucoma Association

International Geothermal Association

International Goat Association (Little Rock, Arkansas)

Indiana Golf Association

Income Generating Activity

Inagua, Bahamas (Airport Code)

Independent Grocers Alliance

Investigator's Global Assessment

Interested Government Agency

Intergranular Attack

Independent Grocers Association

Inside Global Address (computing)

Institute of Group Analysis

Inspector General Act of 1978

In-Game Advertisement

Independent Grocers of Australia (Australia)

International Island Games Association

Inner Gimbal Angle (US NASA)

Idaho Golf Association

Interactive Genetic Algorithm (interactive evolutionary computation)

Illicit Gains Authority (legal entity, Egypt)

International Gay Association (now International Lesbian and Gay Association)

Integrated Graphics Array

Improved Gaussian Approximation

Illumina Genome Analyzer (genomics)

Indonesian Gas Association (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Instituto Guatemalteco Américano (Spanish: Guatemalan American Institute)

Institute for Gulf Affairs

International Governmental Agreement

Independent General Agent (insurance)

Integrating Gyro Accelerometer

Interleaver Growth Algorithm

Inhaled Gas Analyzer

Inhomogeneous Green's Function Approach

International Graduate Achievement

International Growers Association