Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:29

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IF

In Fact

International Falls (city on the Minnesota/Canada border)

India Forum (India)

Interactive Fire (insurance)

Interactive Fiction

Involved Field (radiotherapy)

Industrial Facilities

Institute for the Future

Industrial Fund


Input File (Linux command line)

Information Flow

Integrated Farm

Impact Factor

Integration Facility

Intelligence Flight

Intelligent Finance (Halifax Group)

International Federation (sports)

Interaction Forum

Intelligence Fusion

Integration Framework

Immediate Frequency

Intermediate Fix

Intermediate Frequency (radio/communications systems)

Ice Fog

International Fleet (game and book)

Internal Focusing

Internal Flush

Interference (Dutch electro artist)

Indirect Fire

In Flames (band)

Isolation Filter

Isolation Function

Initiation Factor

Interference Filter

Instruction Fetch

Internally Flawless (2nd highest quality of diamond)


Internal Fixation

Intermittent Fasting (dieting)

Intrinsic Factor

Incremental Funding

Information Directorate (at AFRL)

Instantaneous Frequency

Intermediate Filament (genetics)

Idaho Falls (Idaho)

Intrinsically Funny

Interstitial Fluid

Infield (baseball/softball)



Ironforge (World of Warcraft city)


InvisionFree (Invision Power Board)

Intermediate Filament (cytoskeletal component)

Induction Furnace (metal melting)


Independent Force

International Fleet (Ender's Game novel)

Interrupt Flag

Indemnité Forfaitaire (French: Liquidated Damage)

Instant Form (software)

Interferential Stimulation

Interference Field

Intruders Foundation


Intake Fraction (the fraction of a pollutant which is inhaled by humans)

Interface Freeze

Intrinsic Free (steel)

Intermediate Forward


Inland Fetch (line)

Ingenico Fortronic Ltd

Intelligent Field Co., Ltd. (Japan)

Intercept and Broadcast (US Navy)

Internationally Flawless (diamonds)