Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:02

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IDE

Integrated Drive Electronics (hard disk)

International Development Enterprises (India)

Institute of Developing Economies (Japan)

Integrated Device Electronics

Interactive Development Environment

Investigational Device Exemption (FDA)

Internet Data Exchange (software)

Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (Portuguese: Foreign Direct Investment)

Integrated Data Environment

International Digital Enterprise Alliance (est. 1966; formerly Graphic Communications Association)

Israel Diamond Exchange (Ramat Gan, Israel)

Intercompany Data Exchange

Intelligent Drive Electronics (hard disk; less common)

Investissements Directs à l'Étranger (French: Direct Investment Abroad)

Investimenti Diretti Esteri (Italian: Foreign Direct Investment)

Institute for Democracy Education (Indonesia)

Interdisciplinary Engineering

Integrated Digital Environment

International Destination Expo (travel agents)

Identifier Extension (computer networking)

Interface Design Enhancement(s)

International & Development Economics (various organizations)

Impuesto a Depósitos en Efectivo (Spanish: Tax Cash Deposits)

Intermediate Developmental Education

Internet Development Environment (server side application)

Istituto Dermatologico Europeo (Italy)

Intrusion Detection Equipment

Independent Developmental Evaluator


Integrated Development Enterprise, Inc. (Concord, MA)

Individual Drill Evaluation

Interdigital Electrode

Infrastructure Development Environment

Interplanetary Dust Experiment

Integrodifferential Equation

Institutional Diversity and Equity

Interdimensional Entity

Interactive Design & Engineering

Interim Data Element

Independent Developmental Evaluation

In-Progress Design Evaluation

Initial Damage Evaluation (insurance)