Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 07:00

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ID

I'm Down (Beatles song)

Information Development

International Development

Information Document

Interface Device

Initial D (Japanese Anime)

Identification Data

Indonesia (Including Portuguese Timor)

Internal Document

Industrial Design

Installation Data

Idaho (US postal abbreviation)

Integrated Design

Interior Design

Inner Diameter

Intelligent Design (theology)

Inside Diameter

Inclusive Design (design for all)


Internal Diameter

Institution Directory (FDIC)

Intellectual Disability

Instructional Design

Inch Down (elevators)

Insertion Device

Infantry Division

Infectious Disease

Issue Date

Implant Dentistry (journal)

Integrated Diagnostics

Intrusion Detection

Indefinite Delivery

Drain Current

Initial Distribution

Interior Decorator

Idem (Latin: the same)

Ides (Latin: Ides, their reckoning of the middle day of the month)

Iraqi Dinar (unit of currency)

Independent Democrats (South Africa)

Intelligence Department

Icewind Dale (game)

Inside Dimension

Industry Discount

Induced Draft (thermal power)

Idaho Operations Office

Investigación y Desarrollo (Spanish: Research & Development)


Im Durchschnitt (German: on average)

Im Dienst (German: on duty)

Inter-Departmental (various organizations)

Integrated Defense (US Air Force)

International Diplomacy

Irrigation Department (Myanmar)

International Director

International Delight

Incremental Development

Image Dynamics (music equipment; Canada)

International Dateline

Interactive Development (various companies)

Industrial Dispute

Invisible Disability

Instruction Decode (Von Neumann cycle step)

Intelligence Duties (US Navy)

Intestinal Distress

Inter Dimensional

Inventory Discrepancy

Izquierda Democrática (Democratic Left, Ecuador)

Inventory Difference

Invariant Density

Instituto por la Democracia (Spanish: Institute for Democracy; Guatemala)

Interleaving Depth

Infective Dose

Intermediate Dose (treatment)

Implementation Dependency

Interconnecting Device

Instrument Delivery

Integrated Dictionary

Interface Diagram

Integrated Demonstration(s)

Item Designator

Information Deficiency

Individuated Dysautomania

Interface Diagnostics

Inertial Dampeners (Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis)

Interpretative Documents

Instantaneous Description (Turing Machine configuration)

Irvine Dataflow

Institut Dayakologi (Indonesian: Dayakologi Institute)

Index Diagram

We're in Demand (an old Id Software's slogan)

Iditol Dehydrogenase

Inside Dose (radiation exposure)

Interleaved De-Clustering (computing)


Inhibitors of DNA Binding/Differentiation

Increased Deployability

Integrated Daemon

Instituto Desert (Brasil)

Incapacitation Dose

Intercommunication Device


Intrinsic Densitometry

Information during Learning Task (online education)